Organized Car

Get Organized With Car Hacks, Tricks and Tips!

Simple car hacks, tricks and tips

Here are some simple car hacks, tricks and tips to keep you organized while you’re out and about!

1. Stamps

Keeping stamps in the glove compartment means you’re always ready to post!

2. Silicone Cake Liners

These little gems are perfect for lining your cup holders so they don’t get filled with dirt and grime.

3. Gift Wrap

This is great for busy moms. If you have room, keep some unisex gift wrap, sticky tape and scissors in the trunk to help keep you organized for unexpected (or forgotten) birthdays.

4. Baby Wipes

Long gone are the days that my children need baby wipes. I now use these handy little gems for cleaning up any car messes and spills or dirty faces and sticky hands.

5. Travel Blanket

A small blanket in the back of the car can be invaluable. Mine has has helped me cover dirty bike wheels, wet clothes and muddy shoes. 

6. Bandaids

Whether it’s for real use or to just make a little person feel better, bandaids take up little room in the glove box and come in handy during a mini or major crisis. 

7. Hand Cream

The car is a perfect place for applying non-greasy hand cream when stuck in traffic or waiting to pick-up someone up.

8. Tissues

A-Choo! Slip a soft pack of tissues into the seat behind the driver or passenger for easy access.

What’s your best car hack, trick or tip?

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