Solutions to Home Office Challenges

7 Days To An Organized Home Office

What’s your biggest home office challenge?

  • Towering paper piles
  • Ineffective filing systems
  • Unsatisfactory habits for dealing with all the clutter
  • Dual room functionality that just doesn’t work.

We can help you create your perfect home office – decluttered, streamlined, organized.

That sounds good, doesn’t it!

Join us for our next online program: 7 Days To An Organized Home Office.  It starts Monday 13 October (US time).

7 Days To An Organized Home Office

Over the 7 days we’ll cover:

  • How to reclaim your office space
  • How to sort your piles of paper
  • How to create a usable, simple filing system
  • How to make the best use of your space
  • How to organize your desk
  • The quest for paperlessness – how far should you go?
  • How to deal with mail
  • What to do about receipts
  • How to deal with magazines
  • How to stop paper piles from forming in future
  • When to discard, when to keep, when to archive
  • What to do about hobby and craft paraphernalia
  • How to create – and maintain – a clear desk
  • What to do with course and seminar notes
  • Lots more!!

FREE For Premium Subscribers

Learn more about 7 Days To An Organized Home Office.

As with all our programs, this program is FREE for Premium Subscribers.

Simply log in to your My Account Page and join us at any time, from anywhere, starting Monday 13 October (US time).

To see upcoming programs, check out the Program Schedule


Ready to join us? 

Then register now at 7 Days To A Organized Home Office

1 thoughts on “Solutions to Home Office Challenges

  1. Pingback: Options to Residence Workplace Challenges | Posts

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