Natural Cleaner

Everyday cleaning essentials that simplify your life


Now that we have a cleaning schedule organized let’s consider what we already have in our households that can help make our cleaning regime simple and organized.

You don’t need all the bells, whistles and marvels that late night television spruiks ad nauseum for 30 minutes at a time! Let’s get back to basics and make an inexpensive, practical list of ways to keep our homes sparkling.

  1. Vinegar – clean kettles, coffee cups, tea pots, tiles, chrome, fridges, enamel surfaces, washing machines, rust marks. The wonders of vinegar are endless. Here are 150+ uses for vinegar, courtesy of Readers Digest.
  2. Carb Soda – absorbs odours, removes stains for cups, cleans combs, unblocks sinks and drains, removes tarnish off silver, treats stains on carpets. Wikipedia has a wonderful  summary of practical uses of biocarbonate of soda.
  3. Lemon  – makes your glassware sparkle, helps with odours, gets rid of hard water deposits. True Activist writes about 45 uses of lemon that will blow your socks off!
  4. Tea Tree Oil / Eucalyptus Oil – clean off stickers from surfaces, mix with water for an all-purpose cleaner, removes mildew from washing machines.
  5. Shaving cream – I kid you not! Apparently… (I haven’t done it myself) if you wipe your mirror with shaving cream it not only leaves it sparkly, but also helps keep the mirror fog-free after a shower. I’m skeptical but I found it on Wiki How – let me know what you think!

 What else would you add to this list? 

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