Tips for tidying your home

13 Simple Tips To Help Organize Your Home

Tips for tidying your home

Inspired by the clever use of a bull-dog clip (see our Facebook post), it got me thinking about all of the other little things we can do in our day to help stay focused and organized.

Together, let’s compile a list of easy and simple ways to improve our organization. Here’s a start:

  • Keep your tea-towels (dish cloths) in a kitchen drawer
  • Store sheets in the room they belong to
  • Keep hand towels and face flannels neatly stacked in the bathroom. If there’s room, include your towels.
  • Keep extra trash bags in the bottom of the bin. This is helpful when there are bins in many rooms of the house, not just the kitchen.
  • Keep all forks, spoons and knives together in the same slot in the dishwasher. Don’t overload the slot – it won’t clean properly.
  • Put all warranties for purchases in one folder. Use clear plastic sleeves, keeping them in reverse chronological order so you simply place the new one on top.
  • Store car wash detergent, sponges, and cloths in a bucket, in the garage.
  • Open your mail before entering the house. This works well if your bin is near your mailbox & you can dispose of unwanted mail immediately.
  • Stick a simple morning/evening checklist to the wall of your child’s room for them to follow.
  • Keep weekly sporting activity bags packed. For example, the swimming bag contains towels, goggles, swimming clothes and cap. All ready to go.
  • Keep a Phillips head screwdriver and a flat head screwdriver in a kitchen drawer. Handy for changing batteries in toys or quick household repairs.
  • Don’t answer the phone if you’re in the middle of something important. Stay focused, you can call them back later.
  • Keep sheets and pillowcase sets together. Fold them neatly & place them in one of the pillowcases.

And note, you don’t have to be a perfectionist.

What is your best tip for staying organized around the home?

For more Home Organization Strategies, click here.

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