Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most

Discipline – Now With 80% Less Willpower

Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most

This month my word of the month is discipline.

Not the scary, willpower-y kind of discipline. I’ve never been good at that. Anything enforced immediately brings out the rebellious child in me.

I can’t diet because as soon as there’s something I can’t have it’s the thing I want most in the world. Even if I had zero interest in it before. White chocolate mud cake that I’ve spat out on previous occasions? Don’t mind if I do.

I recently gave up Coke Zero but can only stick to this by keeping a bottle in my fridge at all times and allowing myself to have it if I really want it (which ends up being about once every 3 or 4 weeks).

I find it impossible to do what I mustshouldhave to.

But I love this way of looking at discipline:

Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most. 

This perspective takes the harsh, perfectionistic charge out of self-control. It lets me step away from the whip and gives me a choice. It makes the decision all about things I want, rather than things I can’t have.

So I’m using this concept of discipline to help me with my goals this month.

Instead of forcing myself or trying to use willpower, I’m going to compare what I want now with what I want more.

Sometimes the chocolate or super-late night will win. That’s human nature. Or at least it’s mine.

But, when there’s this freedom of choice, often the things I want more will win.

How About You?

Do you like this way of thinking about discipline?

What’s your word for this month?

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