Organize Computer Applications

How To Organize Your Email, Computer, and Technology: Part 4 – Software


Have you been following along with me as I’ve decluttered, streamlined and organized my inbox and desktop? Feels pretty good, huh? Today I continued my computer-simplifying project by cleaning up my computer applications. I was going to do folders and filing today, but I realized it made sense to know what software programsI’d be using before I organized my files. So programs have taken precedence.

How I Streamlined My Computer Applications – With Organizing Tips For You

1. I Moved Applications I Don’t Regularly Use Off My Dock

On a Mac the Dockis usually at the bottom of the screen.

Organize Your Dock

On a PC you might have your most-used programs on your Start Menu (launched from your Start Button) or Task Bar(sits along the bottom of your screen). I dragged off several programs that I no longer use much.

Organizing Tips:

  • Save this valuable screen real-estate – as well as mental space – for the applications you use most.

2. I Deleted Applications I No Longer Need Or Use

I had downloaded a few apps that I didn’t end up using, and I also had a few programs that I’ve now replaced with others I like better.

Organize Your ApplicationsSo I discarded the applications that no longer made the grade.

Organizing Tips:

  • If you use the programs on your computer then you may not need to do anything here. But if you have programs not opened since 2007, then it might be time to get rid of the clutter and clear some space.

3. I Downloaded New Applications

I’m pretty happy with my software tools at the moment, so all I needed was the latest OS X upgrade. I’m so looking forward to playing with it tomorrow!

Organizing Tips:

  • I don’t recommend getting new software for the sake of it – it costs money, time, space, and brainpower.
  • Weigh the likely gains in productivity, effectiveness, and enjoyment against the time and mental cost of learning and becoming proficient in a new system.
  • Only invest time and money in new software that you think will make an overall improvement to your business and/or personal life.

Your Turn!

Do you need to tidy up your dock or start menu? Do you want to delete, replace or add applications? What else needs attention, software-wise, on your computer?

See You Next Week

I’m out of the office for a few days and will resume my computer-organizing project next week. I hope I’ll see you then! PS Don’t miss the rest of this series! You can get my posts by email. Just enter your email and hit Subscribe Now at the top-right of this page.

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