
BRAND NEW ‘52 Weight Loss Missions’ Logo Survey [I’d love your feedback! And there are cool prizes.]

On December 1 I’m releasing a very exciting new product called 52 Weight Loss Missions. I think this is my best product yet.

52 Weight Loss Missions: A Radically Different Approach

For most of us who struggle with weight loss, the problem isn’t what we don’t know, it’s what we don’t do.

This is where 52 Weight Loss Missions is unique. The program:

  • Includes 52 action-based missions
  • Focuses on actions that are smart and strategic
  • Covers diet, exercise and mindset
  • Helps you change the path of least resistance so eating, moving and thinking right get easier
  • Draws on psychology and life coaching to help you win the mental battles
  • Uses a range of cool tools to keep you committed and accountable
  • Offers hundreds of practical ideas and strategies
  • Is succinct and easy-to-read – 100% fluff-free
  • Rewards you for taking action.

Which Logo Do You Like, And Why?

I have three potential logos for this new product – and I’d really appreciate your feedback on which one you like best, and why.

(By the way, the logos might seem a bit girly because my research tells me it’s mainly us girls who struggle with this stuff. But the program content is gender-neutral. And if you guys want one, Ill do a dude version just for you. :))

Logo 1

Logo 1: 52 Weight Loss Missions

Logo 2

Logo 2: 52 Weight Loss MissionsLogo 3

Logo 3: 52 Weight Loss MissionsCool Prizes

I’ll pick two commenters to receive a copy of the 52 Weight Loss Missions Action Pack as a prize. The Action Pack includes 52 Weight Loss Missions plus a range of interactive materials including a Workbook, Journal, and Planning Tools.

Want To Know More?

If you want to know more about 52 Weight Loss Missions:

I’ll let you know about special introductory offers and I’ll also announce the winners in both places.

Thank You!

I really appreciate your feedback. And good luck!

Leave a comment on this post to tell me which logo you like best, and why.

Michele Connolly, Get Organized Wizard



652 thoughts on “BRAND NEW ‘52 Weight Loss Missions’ Logo Survey [I’d love your feedback! And there are cool prizes.]

  1. Reni says:

    I like logo #1. It caught my eye and it just looks fun. If I was in a book store, I’d pick it up and look at it!!

  2. Kathy says:

    I like #1 because it’s not just a silhouette of a person. It shows a real person (albeit a cartoon) but it is a person with a measurable amount of lost weight as depicted by her measuring tape. It is more relatable. There is a face to it, not just an idea of a person.

  3. Jaritza says:

    I prefer logo #2 since it resemble the liberation of the weight struggle that most of us has to deal with. You can sense the happiness of having reach your goal or, at least, move on toward it. The stars represent the sparkle that the woman can gain achieving her weight loss goal since she can gain self confidence and transmit that positive energy to her sorroundings. Love the slogan for this project!!

  4. Megan W says:

    I like the second one the best. All three are great, but the second one is clean and simple. Not too much going on to veer peoples attention away from the product. It is always good to have a straight forward, easy to view logo.

  5. Sherri says:

    I love the first one – it reminds me of the show “bewitched” – yes I just dated myself – but don’t we all at one time or another just want to twitch our nose and be thin – oh if it could be that easy. I’m looking forward to reading the 52 missions once they are up and running 🙂

  6. Janis says:

    logo #1 for sure! The figure in #1 shows a woman that we can relate to. She also generates sass, class, and attitude (wink). #1 is also more in line with other logos that your products have when depicting people. She looks like you therefore demonstrating pride and ownership in your product.

  7. Paige kullman says:

    I like figure 2. The woman’s figure is more realistic than the others. I like that she’s not holding a tape as in the others. Much of our weight loss battles are in the mind and can’t be measured with a measuring tape. Also this woman’s figure suggests joy…which is what we yearn for when it comes to food issues…

  8. Pat Etzcorn says:

    Love #3 because it’s sharp, stylish and promotes the message cleaner. I don’t think #1 nostalgia will motivate. #2 is a close second, but the fonts make it more difficult to read. Again, #3 grabs you quickly with the message and motivates too!

  9. Debra Dittmeier says:

    I like #3! One is too cutesy, it wouldn’t take it seriously, Two is inspiring and attractive, but Three is more attractive, as well as, inspiring 🙂

  10. Katrina Cole says:

    I love Logo #3. It exhudes success and joy – both of which we will experience after following the missions and reaching our goals.

  11. Janet Fairchild says:

    #1 Logo would be my pick of the three. The woman (other than the wink which makes her face look a little strange) catches and holds my attention more than the other figures and designs. The colors are used well, and the message is delivered neat and tidy! 🙂

  12. MilkCrown says:

    I love no.3 – the jumping/flying seeming woman makes the cover look lighthearted the free, very inspiring!

  13. sheri says:

    #3 is my favorite. It looks more like a real, healthy woman and not an anorexic woman. #1 the lady seems old fashioned and the facial features are weird looking. #2 the figure is too skinny. Not a healthy image.

  14. Steve says:

    Logo 1 fits more with your established brand. If you are trying to start a new brand, I would suggest Logo 2. I would be interested in learning how the new program is working. As a man who has struggled with weight lost for 30 years, I would like to find something that is not a “Diet” but a good way to change a lifestyle.

  15. Caren Goldstein says:

    I am torn between 1 and 3. ! is very cute, I like the cute girl and colors. Number 3 is more professional and I like the active jumpy girl with a real figure.

    Hmmm Ok, I vote for number 3. It will also appeal to the more athletic and not so girly girl type.

  16. Alice H. says:

    I like #1! It’s cute and gives an image of “chic!” It’s also fun…giving an image that weight loss can be fun, not just dedication and work. The colours are also great…with the variety of colours juxtaposed on each other, the logo seems to pop out more.

    I also like this logo over the other ones because #2 and #3 seem generic compared to #1. And because they seemed generic, I glossed over them.

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