
BRAND NEW ‘52 Weight Loss Missions’ Logo Survey [I’d love your feedback! And there are cool prizes.]

On December 1 I’m releasing a very exciting new product called 52 Weight Loss Missions. I think this is my best product yet.

52 Weight Loss Missions: A Radically Different Approach

For most of us who struggle with weight loss, the problem isn’t what we don’t know, it’s what we don’t do.

This is where 52 Weight Loss Missions is unique. The program:

  • Includes 52 action-based missions
  • Focuses on actions that are smart and strategic
  • Covers diet, exercise and mindset
  • Helps you change the path of least resistance so eating, moving and thinking right get easier
  • Draws on psychology and life coaching to help you win the mental battles
  • Uses a range of cool tools to keep you committed and accountable
  • Offers hundreds of practical ideas and strategies
  • Is succinct and easy-to-read – 100% fluff-free
  • Rewards you for taking action.

Which Logo Do You Like, And Why?

I have three potential logos for this new product – and I’d really appreciate your feedback on which one you like best, and why.

(By the way, the logos might seem a bit girly because my research tells me it’s mainly us girls who struggle with this stuff. But the program content is gender-neutral. And if you guys want one, Ill do a dude version just for you. :))

Logo 1

Logo 1: 52 Weight Loss Missions

Logo 2

Logo 2: 52 Weight Loss MissionsLogo 3

Logo 3: 52 Weight Loss MissionsCool Prizes

I’ll pick two commenters to receive a copy of the 52 Weight Loss Missions Action Pack as a prize. The Action Pack includes 52 Weight Loss Missions plus a range of interactive materials including a Workbook, Journal, and Planning Tools.

Want To Know More?

If you want to know more about 52 Weight Loss Missions:

I’ll let you know about special introductory offers and I’ll also announce the winners in both places.

Thank You!

I really appreciate your feedback. And good luck!

Leave a comment on this post to tell me which logo you like best, and why.

Michele Connolly, Get Organized Wizard



652 thoughts on “BRAND NEW ‘52 Weight Loss Missions’ Logo Survey [I’d love your feedback! And there are cool prizes.]

  1. Rhonda says:

    I really like #1. She is sassy, cheeky and a bit of fun. Sharper lines, text reads from left to right and has much more appeal (for me). Ther other 2 are bland and uninteresting. Looking forward to the release – I need something 🙂

  2. Marie says:

    I like Logo #1 the best. She’s cute and sassy and looks like she’s got it all figured out and has fun doing it. Plus it shows her face which makes it more personable.

    The text for “Weight Loss” is highlighted by the fancier font so that jumps out at you, while the rest is clean and streamlined and super easy to read.

    Since you used it in your email, I’m thinking that is your favorite too ;).

  3. Gretchen says:

    I like #2 because of the clean lines and the girl isn’t as large and out there as #3. I find it pleasing to the eye and catchy.

  4. Denise J. says:

    I’m going with #3. They all have their own appeal, but that third one just speaks more to me. I do like that the figure is facing toward the wording, and not away. Seriously, any of them would be fine, but 3’s the one for me! Good luck!

  5. Kerry says:

    I like #1 best. It’s appealing & fun, lots of personality. And it’s different, whereas the other two seem more generic. Looking forward to the release.

  6. Jane says:

    I really want to have the extra energy that will come from not dragging around the extra pounds so I like number 2 because it is a visualization of my goal. I like number 2 better than number 3 because the arms look better separated from the head and the bust is smaller which many of us can relate to.

  7. heather says:

    I think #1 is cute, but #2 looks neater- (not broken up with an icon) . I look forwrd to seeing the blog

  8. donna wigley says:

    I love the 1st one because it looks more like a person than a shadow. I also love the quote because we can know a lot of weight loss stuff, but if we don’t put it into action nothing happens. No weight loss.

  9. jenni says:

    I like logo #2. It’s a little retro-chic. I think the woman in logo one looks like she’s had too much plastic surgery.

  10. geraldine says:

    I like aspects of logo 1 and logo 2.
    Logo 1 is chic, cute and wow she is there, like the font and colour scheme, but there is something not reaastic/achievable about it.
    Logo 2 has simple clear lines and the graphic is realistic representation

  11. Laurie Masing says:

    I really like #1 …definitely more appealing than the other 2. It is a great character.. with a little attitude. Easliy readable! Great colour choice!!

  12. Tina says:

    I prefer logo 2 – the clean lines and the encouraging figure jumping in the air – it sends a message promoting well-being, not just weight loss. 🙂

  13. Judy K says:

    #2 – Places less emphasis on the female figure, and more emphasis on the inspirational words. I like the size of the type s well as the font. And the color choice.

  14. Deborah says:

    Logo #1 is my favorite. It’s fun and looks retro to me, and it was the one that caught my eye the most. Also, love the colors and how they work together!

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