
Not Seeing All Your Facebook Friends In Your News Feed?

Wonder why you don’t see updates from some friends in your Facebook feed?

You can easily change a setting and fix this. Here’s how.

How To See Updates From All Your Facebook Friends

Not Seeing All Your Facebook Friends In Your News Feed?

  1. Go to your Home page in Facebook.
  2. Click the blue down arrow shown by the green arrow in the image at left. This will reveal a drop-down menu.
  3. Click [Edit Options…], shown by the red arrow in the image at left. This will open a dialogue box.
  4. Click the blue down arrow shown by the orange arrow in the image below.
  5. Click the [All of your friends and pages] option.
  6. Click [Save].

How To See Updates From All Your Facebook Friends


Your missing friends will now regain their rightful place in your news feed.

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More Facebook Organizing Tips

How To Organize Your Friends on The New Facebook

How To Organize Your Friends on The New Facebook – Part 2

30 thoughts on “Not Seeing All Your Facebook Friends In Your News Feed?

  1. may says:

    My ex and I just broke up 3 times in the last 4 years. The first two times she broke up with me for no apparent reason. I tried hard to reach out to her for answers. She ended up telling me that she didn’t love me and don’t want to be with me. That hurt so I’m pretty much gave up after that. I was depressed for months and I just count understand why because we had a great relationship. We ended up getting back together and she apologized for the way she treated me. She did love me and she talked about me to her friends nonstop. She told me she would never leave me that way again. But because of the way she treated me I’m insecure and I couldn’t let her in completely right away. I lied to her about some small stuff because I was scared if her leaving me again for nothing. She found out about the lies the day I had planned a date to talk to her. she broke up with me again and it’s the same treatment again until i met a spell caster who helped me restore my relationship back within 7 days am so happy i got her back. you can reach him via email {priestolokun @gmail .com}

  2. Lori says:

    Was hoping this post would work, but I believe it is now completely outdated due to Facebook updates. Is the suggestion in this post even possible anymore?

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  4. Hank-SJ says:

    For me, when I go to Edit I get a box that says “Hide Posts From” and in italics “You have not hidden anything”. So I am left with missing 50% or more of the updates from sites I have ‘Liked” in the past.

  5. Jacqueline says:

    Thanks for sharing. I do not see what you are showing. When I click the blue arrow I get…
    account settings
    privacy settings
    log out
    help center

    I wish I could change it so I could see all my friends post. Thanks again and have a blessed day.

  6. Tori says:

    I found an even nicer feature. You can turn feeds off without unfriending someone. It is great for those friends/family who post comments that you really don’t want others to associate with you but unfriending is a little too offensive. Just mouse over a comment and to the right an “X” will show up. Click the X and you will get the option to hide just the one post or all post by that person. I’ve hidden A LOT of feeds.

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