30-Day Organize-athon | Day 6: Freshen Up Your Crockery & Glassware

30-Day Organize-athon 06

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to freshen up your crockery and glassware.

Remember: take a deep breath and think clarity, freedom and order, as you go.

Day 6: Freshen Up Your Crockery & Glassware

Step 1: Get a garbage bag and line it with some newspaper.

Step 2: Quickly scan your crockery and glassware. Put into your bag any bowls, plates, cups, saucers, mugs or glasses that are:

  • Chipped
  • Stained
  • Mismatched
  • In poor condition
  • Ugly promotional items.

Step 3: Place your bag in the trash or empty it into the recycle bin as appropriate.

Step 4: If you need to replace any items, make a note on your shopping list.

Step 5: Do a quick tidy of your remaining crockery and glassware so that:

  • Similar things are together, and
  • Most commonly used items are most easily accessible.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

Decide to abandon your ‘special occasion’ stash.

  1. If you have glasses, crockery or other items you only use for special occasions, consider abandoning this idea.
  2. If the items are too delicate or not your taste, perhaps you could donate them?
  3. If they’re nice and usable, perhaps you could integrate them with your everyday stuff and get pleasure out of them more regularly? You’ll also save yourself the trouble of packing them away after every use.

Now won’t meals be more pleasurable?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

268 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 6: Freshen Up Your Crockery & Glassware

  1. Ruth Demitroff says:

    I’m not a sentimental hoarder but I do have two small tupperware boxes in my cupboard that contain some of my mother’s china tea cup collection. I keep them on a top shelf and they stay clean in the boxes so it works for me. Glasses don’t last long here so they aren’t a problem. Most everything else is either used every day so must be needed or in hard to access cupboards that I wouldn’t be using for anything else. I still have one son to leave home so I’m sure whatever extra crockery I have will be going with him when he sets up a place to live.

  2. Karen says:

    Almost forgot to post…I did this so early in the morning, right before leaving for work. I took 5 minutes-didn’t have any extra time to spare for any further than that…but at least I got rid off all of those ugly drinking cups, mugs- the ones that were “freebies” and had some company’s name emblazoned on the front, for the sake of promotion. Although I didn’t get to spend much time on organization today, doing the 5 minutes was enough to keep me feeling that I am moving forward and have not “failed” in my commitment!

  3. Caitlin says:

    Nice to see a MALE name here!
    If only I could get my hubbby and daughter to LET me get rid of chipped dishes.
    Not one of my more successful organizing days, so I went out and bought new shelf liner for previous project.

    on to tomorrow …
    what will it be?

  4. Marjon says:

    Flower arrangement in a cup for Christmas, then one for Valentine’s, then one for a birthday. The flowers die, the cup goes in the cabinet. I had a ton of them and they’re all in the charity box. Woohoo!

  5. Annette says:

    Goodwill might enjoy having company logo cups from my work collection. I rarely used them anyway. Now I thinking of getting rid of some tupperware cups to make even more room. I live alone and don’t need all these dishes. Just holding on to these sentimental dishes…maybe I’ll give away one set and just keep the 8 piece set.

  6. Pamela says:

    Did some reorganizing of cabinets while tackling this task. Of course, this took longer than 5 min! I will need to go through some other cabinets to remove more stuff I don’t use anymore.

  7. Carolyn says:

    Good thing I did this recently. I have been out of the house from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and am beat! My cups and dishes are good.

  8. Susan Saunders says:

    A lot accomplished but I cannot say I am finished. I recently inherited lots and lots and “good” china, etc. Today I purged a lot — and I donated cracked dishes to a friend who does mosaics. But I am definitely not finished . . . I will continue to work on this. If I decide not to use my really valuable china everyday, I will sell it to a local antique shop. Don’t get me wrong, I really accomplished a lot today. It just took a lot longer than 5 minutes, and the task is definitely not complete.

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