30-Day Organize-athon | Day 6: Freshen Up Your Crockery & Glassware

30-Day Organize-athon 06

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to freshen up your crockery and glassware.

Remember: take a deep breath and think clarity, freedom and order, as you go.

Day 6: Freshen Up Your Crockery & Glassware

Step 1: Get a garbage bag and line it with some newspaper.

Step 2: Quickly scan your crockery and glassware. Put into your bag any bowls, plates, cups, saucers, mugs or glasses that are:

  • Chipped
  • Stained
  • Mismatched
  • In poor condition
  • Ugly promotional items.

Step 3: Place your bag in the trash or empty it into the recycle bin as appropriate.

Step 4: If you need to replace any items, make a note on your shopping list.

Step 5: Do a quick tidy of your remaining crockery and glassware so that:

  • Similar things are together, and
  • Most commonly used items are most easily accessible.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

Decide to abandon your ‘special occasion’ stash.

  1. If you have glasses, crockery or other items you only use for special occasions, consider abandoning this idea.
  2. If the items are too delicate or not your taste, perhaps you could donate them?
  3. If they’re nice and usable, perhaps you could integrate them with your everyday stuff and get pleasure out of them more regularly? You’ll also save yourself the trouble of packing them away after every use.

Now won’t meals be more pleasurable?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

268 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 6: Freshen Up Your Crockery & Glassware

  1. Theresa J says:

    I just did this a few weeks ago, when we decided to buy all new everyday dishes and glasses. We gave all of our old stuff to Goodwill (it was still usable, just mismatched). So, this task is done!

    Thanks for offering these small do-able tasks.

  2. happymom79 says:

    Done- 3 bowls thrown and I even made a ‘mismatched’ set of silverware that we started out with when we first got married. No one needs 35 forks…we got 2 sets of nice silverware and didn’t get rid of any of our old stuff…

  3. Jill K says:

    Did this early this morning before kids woke up for school!! Finally took out all my stuff in the plate/glasses cupboard & washed cupboards & also put new shelf liner on (that I’ve had for a “while” just waiting for this…) Threw away un-needed things & put everything else away!! Woo hoo!!! 🙂

    Am really liking this 30-day organize-athon!!!!! 🙂

  4. Judy says:

    It’s done! I will start using my nicer set of plates and bowls–they have been sitting in the cupboard for the last 20 years!! Thanks for the reminder.

  5. JoeyRoo says:

    Done. All the pots and pans, lids are in place, broken and missing stuff is discarded. Yay!

  6. Nancy says:

    Remember when we were kids and used those promotional jelly jar glasses? And when you would break one, Mom would say, “We just can’t have nice things!”
    I guess my son will miss out on that particular memory now.

  7. Rose P. says:

    My cabinets are pretty much in order already. The only things that are tossed today are those items that are overused or missing lids, such as travel mugs, plastic storage containers, etc. I do not always toss promotional cups. Sometimes these make great pen holders, toothbrush holders for the kid’s bathroom, etc.

    All plates are stacked. Plastic outdoor plates are on one side of the cabinet, the dinnerware on the other side in size order, large to small being on top. Measuring cups also have a shelf along with sifter.

    Appliances are in my lower cabinets since they are large and I do not wantthem falling on my head when I pull them out to use.

  8. shani green says:

    It is funny that my cupboards went so long like this until I was laid off.. we recently cleaned out all old plates and cups… feels so free

  9. Stacey says:

    Day 6 done. Tupperwear, dishes and glasses all straighten up. Think it’s time to buy some more plates.

  10. Margaret Sansom says:

    Oh, I have been meaning to do this for ages. I don’t have things to throw away, but lots of mugs/cups/dishes that will go to a local charity-based thrift store.

  11. Debra Page says:

    None of our glasses match. Guess I need to go shopping. But I have looked lately. Haven’t found any I like. Oh well, I have room for them when I do find some. Thank you.

  12. Karalyn says:

    Done. Only 1 plate had to go. Have a small kitchen with not much cupboard space so have to keep on top of this one. 🙂

  13. Janelle says:

    My sister-in-law just helped me do this a few months ago but I decided to let a few more go this time. Done!

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