30-Day Organize-athon | Day 6: Freshen Up Your Crockery & Glassware

30-Day Organize-athon 06

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to freshen up your crockery and glassware.

Remember: take a deep breath and think clarity, freedom and order, as you go.

Day 6: Freshen Up Your Crockery & Glassware

Step 1: Get a garbage bag and line it with some newspaper.

Step 2: Quickly scan your crockery and glassware. Put into your bag any bowls, plates, cups, saucers, mugs or glasses that are:

  • Chipped
  • Stained
  • Mismatched
  • In poor condition
  • Ugly promotional items.

Step 3: Place your bag in the trash or empty it into the recycle bin as appropriate.

Step 4: If you need to replace any items, make a note on your shopping list.

Step 5: Do a quick tidy of your remaining crockery and glassware so that:

  • Similar things are together, and
  • Most commonly used items are most easily accessible.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

Decide to abandon your ‘special occasion’ stash.

  1. If you have glasses, crockery or other items you only use for special occasions, consider abandoning this idea.
  2. If the items are too delicate or not your taste, perhaps you could donate them?
  3. If they’re nice and usable, perhaps you could integrate them with your everyday stuff and get pleasure out of them more regularly? You’ll also save yourself the trouble of packing them away after every use.

Now won’t meals be more pleasurable?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

268 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 6: Freshen Up Your Crockery & Glassware

  1. "Z" says:

    We recently moved into our new home so I was able to complete this task a few months ago. What I found is that we need more plates, silverware, etc. so that we aren’t constantly washing the items we have.

  2. Cassie S. says:

    Why in the world would I abandon the idea of “special occasion” glassware? My husband and I love to throw parties and entertain. Using special place settings is absolutely one of my favorite parts of a special dinner … but we’ve got kids that can’t be trusted with glass on a regular basis!

    I’d collect china from here to the moon if I thought I could get away with it! I did double check that everything is in it’s place and nothing was chipped. And that we have enough plastic and everyday china for our regular dinners. Since everything fits into the cupboards just fine, I’m happy.

  3. Rae says:

    this one was hard for me I don’t really know why, but it is done and my cabinets look very empty. Clutter no more.

  4. Valerie says:

    Done – pretty easy task as I am kind of a minimalist when it comes to kitchen dishes and such.

  5. Karla says:

    done 🙂 The thing that is great about this 5 minute program is that if you don’t get a change or choose to not take the time one day it doesn’t take much to do two things in one day. Things are getting more organized yeah!!

  6. Adele Antal says:

    When my mother died in January 2010 I inherited all her beautiful retro glassware & crockery, all the things that she kept “for best” .. I am honoring her memory by using all those beautiful pieces every day, so I didn’t actually have to do this today – I did it when I donated all my cheap & cheerful pieces to my local op shops 🙂

  7. Cherie says:

    Done… Dog keeps this in check. She steals plates out of the sink and breaks them before they need purged.

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