30-Day Organize-athon | Day 5: Organize Your Household Information Center

30-Day Organize-athon 05

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to organize your noticeboard or household information area.

Inhale: clarity, freedom, order; exhale: chaos! Now let’s start.

Day 5: Organize Your Noticeboard

Step 1: Remove all the invitations, photos, kids’ artwork, bills, school notices, paperwork and random stuff from your noticeboard, fridge door or towering pile on the kitchen counter.

Step 2: Quickly pick out only the most current, inspiring or useful items.

Step 3: Place these items neatly and in chronological order on the noticeboard or fridge (avoid piles – out of sight and into oblivion). Keep things in chronological order so it’s easy to see what’s coming up, and to discard what’s out of date.

Step 4: From the remaining items, put anything you really want to keep (really?) in a memory box (see below).

Step 5: As for everything else – shred, toss or recycle.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

Create some memory boxes:

  1. Find (or buy later) some attractive boxes – one for each family member.
  2. Label each box with the person’s name.
  3. Place the boxes in each person’s room, or on a shelf in the family room or study – wherever is most tidy, practical and appealing.
  4. Use these boxes as a neat holding place for kids’ artwork, photos, keepsakes and other items you can’t yet (yet!) bring yourself to throw away. As a box gets full, you’ll be automatically prompted to throw out older items.

Now don’t you feel a lot more organized?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

Till tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

286 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 5: Organize Your Household Information Center

  1. Dawn says:

    Fridge is cleared off. Only the necessities were put back on (calendar, notepad and several photos. It looks SOOOO bare. I’ve told the girls that I need some new masterpieces to cut down on all the whiteness!

  2. debbbie says:

    Did yesterdays assignment last night no time to post

    Just finished todays assignment
    Things looking good

  3. Megan S. says:

    That was the easiest one so far for me. I did get rid of a bunch of papers though and it feels so good! I’m loving this. Bring on Day 6!

  4. Colleen Dolan says:

    Recently did the fridge but had to tackle a HUGE pile on the counter. Always feels good to see it gone!

  5. Cyndi says:

    Cleaning off my fridge door was an overdue task that took no time at all. I purposefully let go of several magnets so no one can attach coupons, menus, pictures etc. Thanks.

  6. JRA in CO says:

    done! don’t really have a info center, but have a nasty collection of junk on the top of the fridge… it’s gone and what little is left is neat!

  7. Lila says:

    Whoohoo! Complete! It was about time to get rid of all those little notes I leave myself to remind myself to do something, now if I can only remember to throw them away when the reminder is past due!

  8. Laura says:

    Done. The fridge/board part was easy for me, so I worked on the “end of the counter” pile.
    I have also committed to putting my business office in order as we go along in the home this month, so I spent an hour in there today, as well!

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