30-Day Organize-athon | Day 5: Organize Your Household Information Center

30-Day Organize-athon 05

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to organize your noticeboard or household information area.

Inhale: clarity, freedom, order; exhale: chaos! Now let’s start.

Day 5: Organize Your Noticeboard

Step 1: Remove all the invitations, photos, kids’ artwork, bills, school notices, paperwork and random stuff from your noticeboard, fridge door or towering pile on the kitchen counter.

Step 2: Quickly pick out only the most current, inspiring or useful items.

Step 3: Place these items neatly and in chronological order on the noticeboard or fridge (avoid piles – out of sight and into oblivion). Keep things in chronological order so it’s easy to see what’s coming up, and to discard what’s out of date.

Step 4: From the remaining items, put anything you really want to keep (really?) in a memory box (see below).

Step 5: As for everything else – shred, toss or recycle.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

Create some memory boxes:

  1. Find (or buy later) some attractive boxes – one for each family member.
  2. Label each box with the person’s name.
  3. Place the boxes in each person’s room, or on a shelf in the family room or study – wherever is most tidy, practical and appealing.
  4. Use these boxes as a neat holding place for kids’ artwork, photos, keepsakes and other items you can’t yet (yet!) bring yourself to throw away. As a box gets full, you’ll be automatically prompted to throw out older items.

Now don’t you feel a lot more organized?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

Till tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

286 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 5: Organize Your Household Information Center

  1. Coreen Adams says:

    This one always takes me awhile. It was nice to have the helpful suggestions to keep on track.

  2. Alexis says:

    Don’t have a notice board because I can’t keep it neat — so I’m ahead on this one!

  3. MLM says:

    The pile on the kitchen counter is a constant battle – with 4 kids there is always something new being added. I go through this daily, so it’s pretty under control. Going through incoming papers and discarding/filing has become a daily 5-10 min habit for me, because if I let it go a week or more, it’s suddenly a 60-90 minute chore! Done for today!

  4. Kristin S. says:

    done. i;ve already been working on this lately, so only a little straightening was needed!

  5. Nicole says:

    Our station is already clear. Our Fridge contains 2 white boards. One for the weekly menu and one for the to-do lists. And the counter stays pretty clear! YAY! Check!

  6. JoeyRoo says:

    My message board was pretty bare. I was able to throw away some of the outdated papers, that were next to the message board, that apparently never made it up their in the first place. Hence, why the message board was empty to begin with. It is now set up to actually be used. It’s actually a little strip or cork board, so it cannot really hold much.
    I also really like the box idea. I am going to find some, today. A

  7. Rose says:

    The power is out at work after a thunderstorm last night. So, I have been relegated to work from home. I cleared off all the refrigerator mess (including posts of good grade tests) from the fridge. A long time ago I found an “All Star” plastic photo frame and put these latest good test score sheets in it to display in the living room. Also, any coupons and business info have been organized into a letter file with spaces for pens, small tablets of paper for notes, coupons for local restaurants and businesses. The kitchen area look better already!!!

  8. Brandi M. says:

    This one was a bit more difficult, but I found a way to minimize the paper in my “notice” area

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