30-Day Organize-athon | Day 4: Declutter Your Bathroom Cabinets

30-Day Organize-athon 04

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-declutter the cabinets in your bathroom.

As usual, inhale a sense of clarity, freedom and order, then let’s get to it!

Day 4: Declutter Your Bathroom Cabinets

Step 1: Grab a large garbage bag.

Step 2: Open up your bathroom cabinets and, quickly scanning from top left to bottom right, toss into the bag:

  • Medicines past their expiration date*
  • Medicines for conditions that no longer apply*
  • Old, expired or yucky toiletries
  • Old, expired or yucky make-up
  • Old, expired or yucky bath/shower products
  • Ancient or dirty hairbrushes and combs
  • Old perfumes and lotions
  • Empty or mildewed bottles
  • Anything gross or unpleasant to use
  • Anything that hasn’t been used in the past 12 months.

Step 3: Throw your bag straight into the trash. Euw!

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

  1. Refresh your first-aid supplies:
    –  Make a list of items you need for a first-aid kit – including bandages, medicines, antiseptics and other emergency supplies appropriate for your family’s needs
    –  Check your bathroom cabinet for missing items and add these to your shopping list.
  2. Take everything out of your cabinets, wipe down the shelves, and return everything neatly.
  3. Rearrange your cabinets so that:
    –  Similar things are together (eg all oral care items are together), and
    –  Most commonly used items are most easily accessible.

Now don’t you just want to admire those cabinets?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you back here tomorrow!

* Note: Most drugs can be thrown in the household trash, but consumers should take certain precautions before tossing them out, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

[Image by aussiegall]

327 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 4: Declutter Your Bathroom Cabinets

  1. Cynthia says:

    I have 7 bathrooms and 5 minutes? How is this possible?
    I’m tempted to pick the powder room (no cabinets 🙂
    The kid’s bathrooms – messy, but easy
    Please don’t say the bathroom I use the most 🙁 It’s got tons of cabinets!
    I could always start on hubby’s side though! 🙂

    I thought that a 5 min declutter would tackle small projects – not HUGE ones!

  2. Diane says:

    This one not too bad for me. Did manage to discard a few things and do some straightening, so that’s great! Thanks!

  3. Arielle says:

    Day 4 is now done! This was an area I had somewhat in control, but I still found a few old items that needed to go. I also did some rearranging in my cabinets, so things look a lot neater now.

  4. Sandi says:

    Didn’t have to do this. We just remodeled the Master Bath and currently working on the Main. I put stuff in plastic shoe containers by groups of stuff (cold meds, make-up, Prescriptions, etc) stack-up nice in closet. Other stuff I find hevey duty small totes (soaps, dental, hand/face, shampoo/conditioner, and another I have blow dyer, irons) When you need it pull it out and there it is! Make “Spring” cleaning easier!

  5. jennifer says:

    did this when we remodeled the bathroom a couple years ago… it’s so easy to stay on top of it once it’s down to just the essentials!

  6. Raleigh says:

    Wow, couldn’t find my other post before, worried I had forgot. Sorry for posting twice (now 3 times LOL). Any tips for clearing space in brain memory?

  7. Raleigh says:

    Done. Not even 5 mins. Opened my cabinets and they were still empty 🙂 checked out the drawers and found a nearly empty box of personals that I tipped into my handbag so that I could throw something out! HAHAHA

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