30-Day Organize-athon | Day 28: Organize Your Grooming Supplies (And Save Time And Money Too)

30-Day Organize-athon 28

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-organize your grooming products and gadgets.

And today’s bonus task will save you time, space and money!

Day 28: Organize Your Grooming Supplies

Step 1: Grab a large bag and take it to your bathroom cabinets, tallboy drawers, dressing table, or wherever you keep your grooming supplies.

Step 2: Quickly empty everything out – make-up, cosmetics, hair products, dryers, straighteners/rollers, hair accessories, nail polish, the works! For guys, we’re talking shaving stuff, hair products, and sundry after-shave lotions/colognes.

Step 3: Now replace only those items that:

  • You actually use
  • You enjoy using
  • Make you look good
  • Make you feel good
  • Are in good condition
  • Don’t take forever to use.

Step 4: Toss everything else into your bag and put it straight into the trash.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

Let’s streamline your personal grooming routine and save space, time and money. Simply decide to stop using time-consuming or excess grooming products and tools – and discard them.

Look for:

  • Straighteners or gadgets that take too much time and effort
  • Messy make-up that leaves a trail of powder or residue
  • Difficult-to-use cosmetics that often need a do-over
  • Multiple steps and products invented by cosmetic companies
  • Anything that requires constant touch-ups.

A simple routine will make you feel lighter, fresher, and more relaxed, too.

Now how beautiful is that!

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Organize-athon FAQs

I’ve put together a special 30-Day Organize-athon | Getting And Staying Organized Q & A post.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave your comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow for your Get Organized Mindset Shift #1!

[Image by aussiegall]

119 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 28: Organize Your Grooming Supplies (And Save Time And Money Too)

  1. JRA in CO says:

    Done. Did this when we did the bathroom cabinets. Yeah!! Only 2days left ( then I’m going to start over again!!)
    Thanks! I needed an easy one today.

  2. Yvonne says:

    I also did this with the bathroom cupboards. Since then I have been using up the odds left over bits of makeup and skincare that is still useable. I will do a bit more in the games cupboard instead.

  3. Courtney says:

    Days 22-28 done and commented on. Thanks for giving me “permission” to throw away those travel freebies that have accumulated!

  4. Liss says:

    I’m not doing any of these because i’ve already done them all….I guess I really AM an organizational freak of nature. These have inspired me to dejunk in other places (I cleaned out my filing cabinets and recycled/shredded). I’ve kept other places neat and tidy (tupperware cupboard). I DID do my glovebox in the car which wasn’t out of control but still needed a little TLC. Thanks for the nudge to keep the house clutter free!

  5. Allison says:

    Gee I thought I did this when I did the bathroom.

    Well I re-did it – clarity reigns and only a small bag of mainly manicure items past their prime (not to mention mine!) were tossed, along with some other rarely used items. Fun task!

  6. Debra Stanley says:

    Well seeing as i am in Brisbane tonight in hospital with Jalan this is virtually done anyway as i have all my grooming type stuff with me that i use and there is nothing else in the due to the vanity cupboard challenge

    Luv Deb

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