30 Day Organize athon 26

30-Day Organize-athon | Day 26: Declutter Your Exercise and Sports Equipment

30-Day Organize-athon 26

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to declutter your exercise and sporting stuff.

OK, go! (PS That’s a witty little treadmill reference. Smile)

Day 26: Declutter Your Exercise and Sports Equipment

Step 1: Quickly walk around your house collecting any exercise or sports paraphernalia you’ve not used in the past 12 months. If it’s too large to move easily, make a note of it.

Check your:

  • Living room (under laundry?)
  • Garage
  • Bedroom
  • Under the bed
  • At the back of your closet
  • Spare room
  • High-up cupboards
  • Home office
  • Forgotten corners
  • Attic
  • Basement.

Be alert for:

  • Treadmills, stationary bikes, elliptical machines, rowers, Stairmasters, home gyms, etc.,
  • Outdoor bikes
  • Infomercial purchases, including anything in the Thigh Master or Ab Roller family
  • Skipping ropes
  • Boxing gloves
  • Racquets
  • Assorted balls
  • Sport-specific shoes or outfits
  • Supplies for kids’ abandoned activities
  • Climbing equipment; etc.

Step 2: Depending on the size, quality and quantity of your stash, decide how you’ll dispose of it. Consider:

  • Selling – if the number and quality of your items justifies the time and hassle required (unlikely)
  • Donating – if the quality is good (possible)
  • Discarding –  if it’s really just junk (most likely – the vast majority of items will fall into this category).

If in doubt, let it go.

Step 3: Unless you have genuinely sale-worthy items, take your stash out to the trash, or out to the car for delivery to the tip or charity store. If you’re selling, make a note in your diary to organize it.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

  • Tidy the freshly liberated areas.
  • Go for a walk around the block to make yourself feel good about getting rid of clutter and also getting some exercise.

Now isn’t that a good way to increase your heart rate?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Got a Question?

If you have questions about any of the 30-Day Organize-athon tasks, or the 30-Day Organize-athon program in general, please ask your question on this Q&A post or on this Facebook post.

I’ll put together a special Q&A post and answer the questions for you.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave your comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

115 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 26: Declutter Your Exercise and Sports Equipment

  1. Luca S. says:

    Only 5 minutes for this is impossible. I just rearranged the main stuff and prepared the ones that need a fix. Done!

  2. Tanya says:

    Sports equipment – me? Decided to spend the 5 minutes sorting the collection of first aid, medicines, splints and joint supports scattered around the house which have accumulated after 50+ years of hypermobile joints. Now I just walk and do my core stability exercises!

  3. Arielle says:

    Done! I only have a couple of exercise machines, & they get used almost every day. Workout DVDs, weights, etc. have been organized.

  4. Krista says:

    All in a basket, nothing needed weeded, BUT I put the basket in a new home so now it looks better and I put away the workout videos in their proper containers and put those away. Also, decided to rid myself of the couple I don’t use. Woot. Done.

  5. JuliaJayne says:

    I really needed this one. Just a little consolidating, and tossing some packaging, and, here too..a jump rope.

  6. Courtney says:

    We are good on the smaller items, as all four kids do spots three seasons a year. This was a good motivator on the larger items, though.

  7. Dalana P says:

    Finished. I just found out that comments left on FB don’t count for the giveaway. I have finished this weeks tasks.

  8. Deirdre says:

    Super easy. All we have is a baseball bat and two sets of golf clubs. I just had to return one set to it’s place and I’m done!

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