30-Day Organize-athon | Day 23: Organize Your Goals

30-Day Organize-athon 23

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-organize the things you would like to achieve for yourself.

Not what you were expecting? Let’s give it a go anyway…

Day 23: Organize Your Goals

Step 1: Get a pen and paper or open a new document on your computer.

Step 2: Without over-thinking, quickly list 5 to 10 things you’d like to achieve in the next 6 months. Aim for a range of goals across personal/spiritual, home/family and career/business/financial areas.

For example:

  • Lose 10 pounds
  • Organize the spare room
  • Get a promotion
  • Spend regular one-on-one time with each of the kids
  • Save money for a vacation
  • Read inspirational books; etc.

Step 3: Choose your top goal. Now choose one action you will take this week to move closer to that goal.

For example:

  • Lose 12 pounds –> Go for a walk after dinner three times this week
  • Organize the spare room –> Call a charity to collect the boxes of old clothes in the spare room
  • Get a promotion –> Talk to my boss about what I need to work on to earn a promotion.

Step 4: Choose a time this week when you will do this action, and put it into your diary for the assigned day and time. Good – now you’re committed!

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

  1. Choose additional actions you will take toward your top goal, and diarize these actions.
  2. Choose more goals, and diarize actions you will take toward these goals.

Doesn’t that feel motivating!

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Got a Question?

If you have questions about any of the 30-Day Organize-athon tasks, or the 30-Day Organize-athon program in general, please ask your question on this Q&A post or on this Facebook post.

I’ll put together a special Q&A post and answer the questions for you.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave your comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

110 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 23: Organize Your Goals

  1. nicki says:

    may not have won a prize yet
    but ive nearly got the best prize of all
    being organised

  2. Arielle says:

    I thought this one would be easy, but it ended up being harder than I anticipated! I now have my list of goals, though, & hopefully by having them down on paper, I can take realistic steps toward achieving them.

  3. Julie says:

    I was intimidated by this one, but once I started, I found that I had a good 8 things that were reasonable, but still a stretch for me. I made the action plan for my number one goal and an alarm is set on my calendar to make it happen every night.

  4. Tanya says:

    Done – I love using my iPod for things like this then I have my list and goals literally within reach when I’m working out what to do next in the day.

  5. Debby Sapp says:

    Done. I’ve seen you write about this before and wanted to do it, but felt hindered. Though I haven’t done all the other tasks this week, right now, I felt unhindered and able to focus to do this. I feel good about it and will probably go back and check on the other tasks I didn’t get to this week.

  6. Anna says:


    1. Attend to my gym 5x a week
    2. Loose weight (specifically 25lbs till 06/10/2011)
    3. Read 2-3 books a month
    4. 1 hour of quality time with my fiance
    5. No more than 1 hour of TV/interner/console a day and 3 hours during weekends
    6. Keep our family budget well planned


  7. steph says:

    i always have a list of goals, this made me prioritize it a little more. love the satisfaction of crossing something off te list!!

  8. Karen says:

    Done! Actually, I have already been working on something like this. My life has gotten to the point where it it’s in such disarray, in every single area, that I HAD to sit down to think and try to sort things out. I HAD to write down what my most pressing needs are and what I needed to do about them.

    I love your approach to this quick goal setting and focusing on one goal, though. This is the approach I plan on using- much less stressful than thinking about everything that I need to and want to get done in my life- it can become so overwhelming.

    Thanks for this mission- for me it is a sanity saver!

  9. Barbara says:

    Hi Michelle, I love your 30-day Organiz-athon. I have read each and everyone of them and have tried to do as many as I possibly can. The ones I haven’t been able to do I have saved and am going to complete them. They’re great! Thank you for having this.

  10. Tiffany says:

    1. Get me and my house fully decluttered and organized
    2. Lose weight (just 10 more pounds to go)
    3. Be organized enough to spend way more time with my family!

    I am definitely on my way to Declutterville. It has been so long that I am very much into “throwing out” instead of saving. I just hope I stay that way. Looking forward to the final 7 days.

    Weight has already been 12 pounds, another 10 to go. So happy that the cleaning has aided me in my focus and my exercise area.

    Being more organized has helped me find things quicker to be able to spend more time with my family rather than looking all over for things and waisting the time.

    Keep it coming!

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