Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!
In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-organize the things you would like to achieve for yourself.
Not what you were expecting? Let’s give it a go anyway…
Day 23: Organize Your Goals
Step 1: Get a pen and paper or open a new document on your computer.
Step 2: Without over-thinking, quickly list 5 to 10 things you’d like to achieve in the next 6 months. Aim for a range of goals across personal/spiritual, home/family and career/business/financial areas.
For example:
- Lose 10 pounds
- Organize the spare room
- Get a promotion
- Spend regular one-on-one time with each of the kids
- Save money for a vacation
- Read inspirational books; etc.
Step 3: Choose your top goal. Now choose one action you will take this week to move closer to that goal.
For example:
- Lose 12 pounds –> Go for a walk after dinner three times this week
- Organize the spare room –> Call a charity to collect the boxes of old clothes in the spare room
- Get a promotion –> Talk to my boss about what I need to work on to earn a promotion.
Step 4: Choose a time this week when you will do this action, and put it into your diary for the assigned day and time. Good – now you’re committed!
And you’re done!
Got an Extra 5 Minutes?
- Choose additional actions you will take toward your top goal, and diarize these actions.
- Choose more goals, and diarize actions you will take toward these goals.
Doesn’t that feel motivating!
The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra
Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!
Got a Question?
If you have questions about any of the 30-Day Organize-athon tasks, or the 30-Day Organize-athon program in general, please ask your question on this Q&A post or on this Facebook post.
I’ll put together a special Q&A post and answer the questions for you.
Leave Your Comment Below…
Please leave your comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.
See you tomorrow!
[Image by aussiegall]
I LOVE that you added this to the tasks!
I am a firm believer of lists….I do this daily. I have a notebook which I keep on my desk at home with one page of long term goals and a page of short term goals. The pages following them are broken down by weeks and days. It helps thing run a lot smoother. I even hope the kids will begin to create their own goals list.
Done! I registered for a course that will last 6 months and will end with a complete business plan for my company. Also, I just decided to stay home with the kids until my oldest goes to school. Which means my ultimate goal would be to create efficient routines so my household runs smoothly, and I get quality time with the kids and with my husband. And of course, I am gonna plan a BIG party for my 35th birthday in the fall! YEAH!
That was hard!! I picked big things….organizing the attic…scrapbooking my 3 daughter’s baby book…but I picked something attainable this week. I have Monday off, so I’m going to organize the file cabinet. Right now, it has so much old stuff in it and the current year is all sitting on top! It’s going to take a while, but I’m doing it Monday! (So make Monday’s challenge a quick one please 🙂 DONE!!
I chose 5 goals that I have been putting off for a long time- incidentally they were part of my New Year’s resolution. Step by step achievement every week makes it seem easy & possible. I think 2011 will be memorable.
All done!
I need to do this. I have a new baby in the house and I think my goals will be changing. Right now, my main goal is getting to know this beautiful little girl 🙂
Wow–as much as I want ot get my house together to make life easier for all of us (me, husband and four kids), I think I like this task the most. I have never really sat down and made such specific goals for myself. Now, to put them into action!
I’m a fan of Zen Habits and have been doing this weekly. I make long term goals then break them down into simple monthly steps, monthly steps into weekly steps, and weekly steps into daily steps. It takes me less than 10 minutes a week to evaluate my progress and add/remove steps.
Done! Number one goal is to lose 5 pounds by going to gym 3 days per week and not eating candy!
This was much harder than I thought it would be. I probably over thought it. 🙂
I have been organizing my goals for the year on my blog, breaking things down into monthly tasks….
All done
This for me is one of the hardest tasks as there is so much i want to do and have always found it hard but these tasks each day have given me a push in the right direction
With my prize i won tonight the first one will become easier as well as i will have a manual telling me what to do
1. Get my house and life fully decluttered and organised
2. Lose weight
3. Become Healthier
4. Become a housewife rather than a slob
5. Do more Simple savings things to save money
6. Menu Plan
7. More Family Time
8. Fund Raise for CF
9. Raise awareness of CF
10. Get Stress out of my life
I put 3 here instead of one as together they will help me achieve what i want to They in a way go hand in hand as the more weight i lose the more active and more energy i will have and the more i will get motivated to do more than just sit on facebook lol
1. Get my house and life fully decluttered and organised
2. Lose weight
6. Menu Plan
Go for walks Use the treadmill and Air Walker each day
Clean and declutter house so that the exercise equipment fit easy
Declutter my life of people who bring me down
Menu plan so that i dont eat anything i am not supposed too
Clean out the Van and get rid of it ALL NOW
Clean out the shed so that it can be used for its proper purpose
Drop more stuff at Queenies to get rid of it
Get the computer/craft.home office totally organised and my sewing cabinet finished so that everything has its place and must be in its place
Luv Deb
I agree with Ronnie – in your head the big picture is overwhelming – written down…it’s a snap!
Easier said than done, but working on it! It’s sometimes hard when your goals include others who may not be as committed! Anyway, my list is DONE, and my actions towards my goals are DONE.
And as a result I have a date with one of our sons to go BOXING on Wednesday so please Michele make Wednesday (nights) challenge one that doesn’t require me to raise my arms higher than my shoulders hahahaha
Done with this one. Wow, in my head the goals seemed impossible. On paper with little steps makes it so much better. Now to start putting these in action!