Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!
In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-clear the hanging part of your closet.
Take a deep breath as you imagine inhaling a sense of clarity, freedom and order, and off we go!
Day 2: Clear Out Your Hanging Closet
Step 1: Grab a large garbage bag.
Step 2: Open up the hanging part of your closet and, quickly scanning your clothes from left to right, toss into the bag anything that:
- Doesn’t fit
- Feels scratchy or unpleasant against your skin
- Is in a shape that doesn’t suit you
- Is in a color that doesn’t suit you
- Has a neckline or hem length that doesn’t suit you
- Has negative memories or associations
- Is tatty
- Has been worn too many times
- Is tragically out of fashion
- Is not your style any more
- Makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy
- Hasn’t been worn in the past 12 months.
Step 3: Do a second scan, left to right, for anything that needs repair, alteration or laundering. If you know you’ll never get around to the repair, alteration or dry cleaning, then pop these items straight into your first bag. Otherwise, put them aside for later attention.
Step 4: Put your bag by the door or take it straight out to the car. (Take it to the charity store or tip as soon as you can. Really good stuff should go to charity, but let junk go.)
And you’re done!
Got an Extra 5 Minutes?
- Notice what’s still in your closet – the styles, colors and shapes that suit you – and make a note to buy more if you need them.
- Notice what you’ve decided to ditch – the styles, colors and shapes that don’t work for you – and make a What Not To Wear list to avoid future fashion faux pas.
- Tidy your clothes and straighten your hangers.
Now aren’t you looking forward to getting dressed?
The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra
Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!
Leave Your Comment Below…
Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.
See you back here tomorrow!
[Image by aussiegall]
I had already sorted my closet awhile back, but managed to find clothes that do fit now (!!) and some that I won’t wear now that they are too big!
Thanks for kick in the derriere ! Took 10 and actually my 9 year old did her closet! Then I kept going and worked on my hanging clothes — funny how easy it is to do more than 5 once you get started!
Oh this is good! I really needed this jump start on my spring cleaning.
I did it!!! And my sweet hubby said he would take a few minutes to go thru his side and get rid of anything he won’t wear! Thanks God.
OK, I did. Not as much as I needed to…but I did.
Day 2 Completed
K – Done! 🙂
Done. Done. and Done.
Whoa! It is amazing how many different eras are covered in this closet. Feels good to be able to move hangers.
Done! Phew!
Mission accomplished!
Done….I did the kids closets too! 😀
Thanks for the challenge. My closet definately needed the attention. Still more to do but it feels great to be off to a good start.
Took care of this one about 2 weeks ago when I swapped bedrooms. Now I just need to get my daughter’s closet under control.
Done! That’s great, now I have gotten rid of the things I no longer wear! Thanks!
Tackled this challenge a couple of weeks ago and it took me a lot longer than 5 minutes.
Sorted my entire wardrobe and got rid of all the clothes that didn’t fit since I have lost some weight. Also since we are coming into winter, washed all the whites that have been hanging since last year that have gone a little yellow. Also washed and freshened the winter coats and jumpers ready for the new season. Slowly tackling ironing everything now – 1/2 hour every day, should be done by the end of the week, ready for winter.
Had 2 bags of clothes which have been donated and kept the good clothes in storage in case I put the weight on again as i have limited resources to go out and buy more.
Also tackled the shoes that I don’t wear and threw some pairs out.
All that I have left is to organise the clothes into outfits that I can wear to work. My wardrobe is looking so much better now!!
Feels good to get rid of those!