Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!
In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-clear the hanging part of your closet.
Take a deep breath as you imagine inhaling a sense of clarity, freedom and order, and off we go!
Day 2: Clear Out Your Hanging Closet
Step 1: Grab a large garbage bag.
Step 2: Open up the hanging part of your closet and, quickly scanning your clothes from left to right, toss into the bag anything that:
- Doesn’t fit
- Feels scratchy or unpleasant against your skin
- Is in a shape that doesn’t suit you
- Is in a color that doesn’t suit you
- Has a neckline or hem length that doesn’t suit you
- Has negative memories or associations
- Is tatty
- Has been worn too many times
- Is tragically out of fashion
- Is not your style any more
- Makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy
- Hasn’t been worn in the past 12 months.
Step 3: Do a second scan, left to right, for anything that needs repair, alteration or laundering. If you know you’ll never get around to the repair, alteration or dry cleaning, then pop these items straight into your first bag. Otherwise, put them aside for later attention.
Step 4: Put your bag by the door or take it straight out to the car. (Take it to the charity store or tip as soon as you can. Really good stuff should go to charity, but let junk go.)
And you’re done!
Got an Extra 5 Minutes?
- Notice what’s still in your closet – the styles, colors and shapes that suit you – and make a note to buy more if you need them.
- Notice what you’ve decided to ditch – the styles, colors and shapes that don’t work for you – and make a What Not To Wear list to avoid future fashion faux pas.
- Tidy your clothes and straighten your hangers.
Now aren’t you looking forward to getting dressed?
The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra
Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!
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Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.
See you back here tomorrow!
[Image by aussiegall]
Took a lot longer than 5 minutes, but that’s what happens when you’re a frugal pack rat. Had stuff from over a decade ago. My daughter’s closet is next…
This one took way longer than 5 minutes. First I had to spend more than half an hour clearing away piles of stuff in front of the closet. (Oh the long lost treasures I found among the rubble!) Then over an hour of dealing with the stuff I had moved to get TO the closet, some of which still needs to be addressed.
Sad to say goodbye to things that I used to love to wear and have kept in the hope of one day being slender enough to wear them again; sad that now I will never be able to wear those again even if eventually I reach the point where I could. But in the mean time the space where they hung looks SO much better. (as does the space in front of the closet)
I cleaned out the closet and have a bag ready for Goodwill. I feel so much better to have some of those clothes gone!
Filled a bag and it’s in my car ready to go to Goodwill!!!
Done. Off to Goodwill while I am on a roll. Thanks!
My hanging closet is now very tidy. I’m so pleased. It must be more than a year since I last took everything out and only put the best back in. 3 bagfuls of unloved clothes got rid of. Brilliant mission that I really needed to do, now complete.
Done with my closet! Think I may be motivated to tackle the kids’ closet, too (at least the hanging part)!
Done with Day 2, 2 bags of clothes to donate and feeling pretty good about it…yay
My husband had to work this am so the kids and I got breakfast then we started in. I dusted everything, picked up everything on the floor. My hubs got home and he got right into it. He got a trash bag and stuffed it full of things for Goodwill and I had another bag for trash. I got so energized that I continued into the bathroom, scrubbed the shower, the sink, hung new pictures in my bedroom while my hubs vacuumed the whole house. Wow! What a great feeling!!!!!
Done. I finally got up the nerve to ask my husband if he would be terribly hurt if I gave away a big heavy bulky coat he gave me for Christmas several years ago. I never wear that coat. I’m never that cold, and it’s so bulky I can hardly move when I wear it. It has survived several purgings due to my guilt of getting rid of it. Someone is going to have a practically new, very warm coat, and I’m pleased to bless someone else with the gift of warmth.
DONE!! not too hard. A couple months ago we changed bedrooms and hadn’t really moved out of the “old” room – including the cloest. At f irst, we lived out of the old closet – putting the laundered clothes in the new closet as we wore them… so what’s left in the old closet this morning was stuff we didn’t like, didn’t fit, or is summer stuff.
Be ruthless is kinda fun! I got rid of 3 bags of clothes – even got DH to do his 1/2 of the closet! DS#1 is happy… we’re that much closer to him getting his own room!!
Completed – entry way closet finished, bedroom closet cleared. 5 bags ready to donate.
did this last month for a week. It feels great to walk in a closet with only clothes I like to wear organized and up to date.
I had a great time tossing and sorting. I got 4 garbage bags for The Big Brothers organization. Thank you now I can walk in my closet without tripping over my shoes.
Not my most successful mission – I did this recently when I moved – but I did do it and still managed to get rid of a few things.
My side of the closet done, Dh wants to do his own weeding out, moved to the coat closet and we now have room in there that closet was baaaaaad!!
I did it! I had already done a major sweep with the garbage bag this winter as I have lost a lot of weight and got rid of my “fat lady ” stuff. I did find one sweater and some purses. i was hard to put them in the bag. I hesitated but the bag is in the car now ready to get dropped off at a charity alonf with some bedding that I found in another cupboard.
Got rid of those fitting clothes and some from 2-3 years ago!
Done! I filled the whole bag.
When my husband heard what I was doing, he went through his hanging clothes, too!
Wow, that was “fun”! 🙂 Thanks! It’s done!!!