Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!
In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-clear the hanging part of your closet.
Take a deep breath as you imagine inhaling a sense of clarity, freedom and order, and off we go!
Day 2: Clear Out Your Hanging Closet
Step 1: Grab a large garbage bag.
Step 2: Open up the hanging part of your closet and, quickly scanning your clothes from left to right, toss into the bag anything that:
- Doesn’t fit
- Feels scratchy or unpleasant against your skin
- Is in a shape that doesn’t suit you
- Is in a color that doesn’t suit you
- Has a neckline or hem length that doesn’t suit you
- Has negative memories or associations
- Is tatty
- Has been worn too many times
- Is tragically out of fashion
- Is not your style any more
- Makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy
- Hasn’t been worn in the past 12 months.
Step 3: Do a second scan, left to right, for anything that needs repair, alteration or laundering. If you know you’ll never get around to the repair, alteration or dry cleaning, then pop these items straight into your first bag. Otherwise, put them aside for later attention.
Step 4: Put your bag by the door or take it straight out to the car. (Take it to the charity store or tip as soon as you can. Really good stuff should go to charity, but let junk go.)
And you’re done!
Got an Extra 5 Minutes?
- Notice what’s still in your closet – the styles, colors and shapes that suit you – and make a note to buy more if you need them.
- Notice what you’ve decided to ditch – the styles, colors and shapes that don’t work for you – and make a What Not To Wear list to avoid future fashion faux pas.
- Tidy your clothes and straighten your hangers.
Now aren’t you looking forward to getting dressed?
The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra
Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!
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See you back here tomorrow!
[Image by aussiegall]
My least favorite thing to do just because I’m in between sizes right now and really hope to be back in the smaller sizes someday soon. 5 min. wasn’t so bad though
I did this today. I did not get rid of a ton, but when I switch my wardrobe from winter to spring (which will be soon) I am sure there will be more to purge. My husband will be doing his side of the closet too!
Done. Closet looks great!
I went out of town for the weekend, so I doubled up – didn’t want to miss a day! I ended up with two bags of clothes/shoes to give away (not to mention what I just had to throw out!). My hanging things are organized by color and it looks sooooo nice!
Done 😉 We just put in new closet organizers a few weeks ago and sorted clothes, but I still found some things to donate. I just shopped yesterday, so I got rid of some old and put in some new!
I feel like I cheated a little with this one. Like Deb Stanley above, I had also done a huge clean out after the devestating floods here and it took me 2 days to sort out my clothes alone. I am happy to admit that I dnated 7 huge boxes of clothes etc to those who needed them, leaving much space for adding to y collection again, lol. But I just did a quick recheck – and this task is complete.
Hung….tossed….took out winter and put in summer! I put shoes in their boxes, too! I could probably do this task 3 or 4 more times to ‘cull’ out more clothes!
This wasn’t a day I really needed – I just moved from a large house to a small house and I did this before I moved….but it was good to know and I will use this tip next year (sorry I did not comment daily….I completely forgot to do that and I’m catching up today!
Have done this twice this year already, and still had things to discard! Done.
This one was more difficult…Have 5 kids all of whom S.W.E.A.R. they will wear something just one more time!
I had done this recently, but did a quick run through again!
Day 2 done!
Did this with 3 young 20 something gals- wonderful experience- their honesty was brutal- but so liberating!! I feel like a new person- younger. Tossed over half my clothes and shoes.
Done…..better late than never! 😉
Done! I had started on this last week so that helped.
Done with the hanging stuff, purged everything I didn’t like wearing pre-pregnancy (wasn’t much because I did a recent purge) and now I have room for the maternity clothes that my belly is growing into!
Done! Wow – found 4 outfits I didn’t even know were there. Nice stuff – someone’s gonna be lucky at the thrift store
I just finished breastfeeding – so the things that were hanging in there that went feeding accessible and I hadn’t wore in a while I reversed the hangers. I am giving my self 3 months and out the untouched goes. I set an alert on my computer.