Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!
In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-clear the hanging part of your closet.
Take a deep breath as you imagine inhaling a sense of clarity, freedom and order, and off we go!
Day 2: Clear Out Your Hanging Closet
Step 1: Grab a large garbage bag.
Step 2: Open up the hanging part of your closet and, quickly scanning your clothes from left to right, toss into the bag anything that:
- Doesn’t fit
- Feels scratchy or unpleasant against your skin
- Is in a shape that doesn’t suit you
- Is in a color that doesn’t suit you
- Has a neckline or hem length that doesn’t suit you
- Has negative memories or associations
- Is tatty
- Has been worn too many times
- Is tragically out of fashion
- Is not your style any more
- Makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy
- Hasn’t been worn in the past 12 months.
Step 3: Do a second scan, left to right, for anything that needs repair, alteration or laundering. If you know you’ll never get around to the repair, alteration or dry cleaning, then pop these items straight into your first bag. Otherwise, put them aside for later attention.
Step 4: Put your bag by the door or take it straight out to the car. (Take it to the charity store or tip as soon as you can. Really good stuff should go to charity, but let junk go.)
And you’re done!
Got an Extra 5 Minutes?
- Notice what’s still in your closet – the styles, colors and shapes that suit you – and make a note to buy more if you need them.
- Notice what you’ve decided to ditch – the styles, colors and shapes that don’t work for you – and make a What Not To Wear list to avoid future fashion faux pas.
- Tidy your clothes and straighten your hangers.
Now aren’t you looking forward to getting dressed?
The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra
Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!
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See you back here tomorrow!
[Image by aussiegall]
I had cleaned out my closet before Christmas and didn’t think there was anything left to clean. But a friend called me looking for donations to an organization that teaches people how to get off of government assistance and into a good job. I can’t believe that I found a whole garbage bag of clothing and shoes!
I did my obligatory 5 minutes last night… but all the short people in this house have mysteriously outgrown everything they own in the past 2 weeks… So today is going to be a major closet clean out! We are all looking forward to having only clothes that fit again! =)
done! Another bag ready for goodwill or the garage sale, whichever comes first!
Holy cow where did i get so much stuff. — Done, but i’m sure i’ll go back.
My local second hand shop does a 50% off sale at the beginning of each season. So this task gets done every three months for me.
It was the last five minutes of my day, but I did it. 🙂 YEAH!
OMG – I can’t believe how I attached I “was” to some of my old clothes lol – not any more!
Did this late last night!
Done! Started a few weeks ago… finished it today!
Done – really thoroughly too. Have been meaning to do it for some time so feels good to have zapped it. Great thing was that hubby saw how energy giving it was and did his stuff to.
Done! Took 3 bags in (did husbands side too!)
This was thrilling!!!!! Don’t know what I will wear tomorrow though, not much left 😮 Lots of nice underwear but not much else LOL
Task 2 done
Each season I go through my closet and prepare items for donation, toss, and consignment. Have recently completed spring, and have soome summer done. Just a little early for summer consignments. Will complete in about 4-5 weeks.
at last…..there IS room in my closet. For more clothes of course!
This was an easy one for me. After losing over 50kg my wardrobe is in a constant rotation of clothing. Nothing stays for long. I still have a few kilos to go so I can’t wait to get rid of the stuff I am keeping this time ready for the next lot.
Done (yesterday)
Another task accomplished. I cannot remember when I last cleaned out my closet, but think I’ll go to the bowls club now in the outfit I found at the very, very back of my closet. Think I will fit in nicely……