Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!
In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-organize your storage containers.
Let’s get to it.
Day 18: Organize Your Tupperware and Storage Containers
Step 1: Empty out your stash of Tupperware and containers onto the floor
Step 2: Add any stray items that belong here but have migrated to other random household destinations.
Step 3: Quickly select the items that:
- You use regularly; and
- Have lids (if needed); and
- Are in good condition.
Step 4: Store these neatly in the cupboard or drawer. Put smaller items into larger ones to save space, and put each little pile on top of its own collection of lids (that way your lids are always close to their respective containers ).
Step 5: Throw out everything else – anything gross, ancient, or surplus to your needs. You can put it aside for donation only if it’s really good.
And you’re done!
Got an Extra 5 Minutes?
Let’s simplify your kids’ lunchboxes and drink bottles.
- Discard anything they’ve outgrown.
- Discard anything that’s stained or smells funky.
- Discard anything that’s surplus to your needs – if you only need one set per child, let the rest go.
- Make a note to buy anything that you’re missing.
Now don’t buy more if you don’t need it!
The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra
Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!
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Please leave your comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.
See you tomorrow!
[Image by aussiegall]
Done, and only one orphan with out a lid- not bad!
Everything is stacked up, nice and neat…and I don’t THINK I kept anything that was in surplus to my needs. I feel pretty good about this one.
Containers – Done! I have now made more space on the benchtop for Hubby too! He hasn’t liked the growing pile, wonder what my reward will be. LOL
Time to sort out the disaster as my son constantly empties this drawer (and a few containers have been broken as a result). It looks so much nicer and more organised now (and where did all those containers come from?).
Done .. Note to self: Put containers away neatly! Don’t just open the cupboard door, throw the containers in and quickly shut the door before they all fall out! lol 🙂
done done done!
I have a lot more room in my drawers. Done.
This one really did take only 5-10 minutes and it looks great!
all finished
I’m a Tupperware lady and I love my product so my Tupperware cupboard has always been Beautiful! DONE =)
Those were the storage containers. I’m don’t care for plastic food containers (I’m a glass person), so I took to the BIG storage containers.
Done…. these consist of gardening items, and decor for each season and the one for the pool supplies. Not too hard. 🙂
Done! That was just one of those little things that take just a moment but make me feel so good to have done.
All done! Thrown out containers that are old and fixed our storage bins.
Finished what I could with this one. Since most of my house needs major decluttering, I am reluctant to part with the large storage containers at this time (but maybe I won’t need them, if I declutter in such a way that I am not “saving” much of anything beyond what is necessary). I did go through my ratty storage containers that I have, in the past, used to store food and left-overs from meals. I rarely use them now and they were just taking up space. Glad to have the gross things out of my life!
Done! Thanks! Bye bye “Dutch Tupperware!”
all done an easy one since I got rid of all my lidless ones last spring. I have these nice stacking ones in 4 sizes so i can quickly straighten them out