30-Day Organize-athon | Day 14: Organize Your Paperwork

30-Day Organize-athon 14

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-organize your paperwork.

Ready, set, organize!

Day 14: Organize Your Paperwork

Step 1: Gather all the paperwork from around your home – whether strewn throughout the house, covering every surface of your home office, or assembled in a towering pile. (If this alone takes more than 5 minutes it doesn’t count!)

Step 2: Quickly flick through the papers and create 3 piles:

  1. Action Pile: Papers that need your attention – look for bills, school notices, invitations, etc.
  2. File Pile: Papers that need to be filed – look for warranties, tax info, insurance notices, important receipts, etc.
  3. Discard Pile: Papers that you don’t need – look for junk mail, notices for past events, random scraps of paper, etc.

Keep it moving and don’t overthink. If you’re really in doubt about something, put it on your Action Pile to consider when you have more time.

Step 3: Schedule a time during the week to action the Action Pile and file the File Pile.

Step 4: Discard the Discard pile. Be sure to shred sensitive information.

And you’re done!

NOTE: We’ll tackle the rest of your desk, den, study, or home office area tomorrow.

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

  1. Start dealing with your Action Pile now. It’ll be easier to continue later if you start now; and/or
  2. File your File Pile; and/or
  3. Shred your sensitive Discard Pile.

Now don’t you feel liberated?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave your comment below to say you’ve done today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

175 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 14: Organize Your Paperwork

  1. Arlene Gianelli says:

    Another one that is an ongoing project. The discard papers go out pretty quickly, its the actual filing of things that tend to get backlogged.


  2. Yvonne Baillie says:

    I am good at keeping papers in order – so that is okay. BUT, I am not so good at actioning the piles. My darling has to do that!

  3. Dawn says:

    Got a good start. Have a mail pile, and school pile for each of the girls. Made a dent in the mail pile but 5 min. flies by fast. Thanks again for another good start.

  4. Melody says:

    I forgot to add that I’ve completed and posted …
    7 DAYS
    THIS WEEK !!!

    THANKS !! 😉

  5. Melody says:

    With 5 kids & homeschooling .. we’ve got PAPER!! LOL!
    Just when I had finished sorting out a huge inbox of paper my oldest dd brought in today’s mail.
    BUT … since I had just finished I went ahead and sorted it right away!
    Thanks for this challenge!
    I’m gonna FORCE myself to spend at least 15 minutes everyday on paperwork. 😀

  6. M.E. says:

    Ok — completed all tasks so far – some more thoroughly than others but did complete at least the 5 minutes of attention.

  7. Kathy says:


    Actionables now in a nice basket instead of all over the place. Now they just need to be actioned…..

  8. Cecilia L. says:

    Thank you for the big push. What a mess I have! I shred/threw out enough papers to fill a kitchen garbage bag, and am hoping to do more.

    This made a big dent, and I’m encouraged – when I read this task I groaned out loud!! Even going into the office was a huge step…I’ve really been procrastinating on this project. Thanks again.

  9. Megan S. says:

    This one wasn’t too bad. I had already done a clear out of paper around the house last week so I used the time today to do my office. I felt much better leaving work today since my desk is much more organized.

    And, I’ve done all 7 tasks this week.

    Bring on day 15…halfway there after tomorrow! Organizing rocks! Thank you for holding us accountable.

  10. Karen says:

    Day 14 has been completed! I did what I could with this one…but an overwhelming amount of paperwork scattered throughout the house and in the garage (and extending on to my office at the school where I teach) is probably the most *seemingly* insurmountable task that I face! Just looking at it all gives me a sense of overwhelm. Well…at least a small part of the whole was dealt with today. (although…somedays I just wish that I could come home to find that someone has *accidentally* thrown every single bit of it in the garbage…and it’s gone…all gone. Probably just my fantasy because of the fact that I have such a hard time making decisions when it comes to paper!)

  11. Deborah Smith says:

    I really needed to do this and I need to do even more of this. Now I want to continue, and go a lot farther with this, but not real sure how or what is the ‘best’ way to organize all, what in, ideas?

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