30-Day Organize-athon | Day 14: Organize Your Paperwork

30-Day Organize-athon 14

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-organize your paperwork.

Ready, set, organize!

Day 14: Organize Your Paperwork

Step 1: Gather all the paperwork from around your home – whether strewn throughout the house, covering every surface of your home office, or assembled in a towering pile. (If this alone takes more than 5 minutes it doesn’t count!)

Step 2: Quickly flick through the papers and create 3 piles:

  1. Action Pile: Papers that need your attention – look for bills, school notices, invitations, etc.
  2. File Pile: Papers that need to be filed – look for warranties, tax info, insurance notices, important receipts, etc.
  3. Discard Pile: Papers that you don’t need – look for junk mail, notices for past events, random scraps of paper, etc.

Keep it moving and don’t overthink. If you’re really in doubt about something, put it on your Action Pile to consider when you have more time.

Step 3: Schedule a time during the week to action the Action Pile and file the File Pile.

Step 4: Discard the Discard pile. Be sure to shred sensitive information.

And you’re done!

NOTE: We’ll tackle the rest of your desk, den, study, or home office area tomorrow.

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

  1. Start dealing with your Action Pile now. It’ll be easier to continue later if you start now; and/or
  2. File your File Pile; and/or
  3. Shred your sensitive Discard Pile.

Now don’t you feel liberated?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave your comment below to say you’ve done today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

175 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 14: Organize Your Paperwork

  1. Cherie says:

    I’m with Debbie lol – my work title – research director – I probably process and examine more paper and information in a day than some do in a week… This will take a major paridigm shift to conquer…And I’m over the top kinestetic and so those nice little scanning devices have resulted in multiple flash drives that always seem to be in the other computer… Will continue to chug along. 5 minutes: move fast and don’t over think and let it go Hmmmm

  2. Pingback: Day 14 – 30×5 Organize-athon «

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