30-Day Organize-athon | Day 13: Organize Your Pots, Pans and Cookware

30-Day Organize-athon 13

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to organize your pots and pans.

Let’s get to it.

Day 13: Organize Your Pots, Pans, and Cookware

Step 1: Empty your pots and pans cupboard onto the floor.

Step 2: Add any stray cookware that belongs here but has migrated to other kitchen locations.

Step 3: Quickly select the items you use regularly. If you have doubles, choose the one that’s in better condition.

Step 4: Throw decrepit cookware into the trash. Any doubles, or items you’ve rarely-if-ever used (do I see a Flavorwave?) can be put aside for the charity store.

Step 5: Put the pots, pans and cookware you’re keeping back into the cupboard. Make the area tidy by keeping similar items together.

Step 6: If any of your pots, pans or cookware needs replacement, make a note on your shopping list.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

Let’s simplify your recipe collection.

  1. Scan your collection of cookbooks and recipes.
  2. Books you don’t love or use? Put them aside to donate to a friend or the library.
  3. Books with only a few recipes you use? Consider ripping out the pages you use to simplify your recipe library.
  4. Make a note to buy a binder or display folder for your loose recipes.

Now don’t you feel more inclined to cook here?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave your comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

189 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 13: Organize Your Pots, Pans and Cookware

  1. Rose says:

    I do not have many pots and pans; just what I use all of the time. Kmart had this great organizer/stacker for frying pans. I got one and stacked all of my fry pans, large to small. Lids are on another rack and large pans nest inside of each other.

  2. Joni says:

    An easy one, since we recently bought new cookware and purged the old. With the lids turned upside-down, everything stacks nicely in a small space. Only problem is, we thought the smaller set would be fine for just the two of us….and usually it is….but once in awhile when I’d like to cook for more than one meal, or for guests, I wish I had a bigger pan! Not sure if it’s worth the storage for only occasional use.
    The cookbook thing will be a challenge. And a lot longer than a 5 minute challenge. I agree with another reader about tearing pages from a book. Just can’t bring myself to do that. Nor can I throw them away, donate them or give them away! I’m a book-a-holic! (and cookbooks/diet books are the worst!)

  3. Kimberly Cole says:

    This one was so easy considering that I have so few pots and pans. My little pot and my two small frying pans hang on hooks over the stove. The rest take up one small shelf in the cupboard next to the stove because they nest into each other. All done!

  4. bee says:

    I had never thought of tearing pages out of a cookbook in order to save just the recipes I always use.
    I guess I have too much respect for books. Not to mention too many of them

  5. Deborah Smith says:

    Done! I only had to do my recipe books, since I just did the rest of the challenge for today in March. Nice (0=

  6. Erin says:

    Done, thanks for the push on this one. It was pretty much under control, but lots of crumbs. Still got rid of 3 pans even though we don’t have a lot in the first place.

  7. Leanne says:

    This is one area that was relatively under control, though the cupboards were amazingly full of crumbs!

  8. Silvia says:

    Done. This was easy because I got rid of old pots and pans when I “spring cleaned” my kitchen in October

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