30-Day Organize-athon | Day 13: Organize Your Pots, Pans and Cookware

30-Day Organize-athon 13

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to organize your pots and pans.

Let’s get to it.

Day 13: Organize Your Pots, Pans, and Cookware

Step 1: Empty your pots and pans cupboard onto the floor.

Step 2: Add any stray cookware that belongs here but has migrated to other kitchen locations.

Step 3: Quickly select the items you use regularly. If you have doubles, choose the one that’s in better condition.

Step 4: Throw decrepit cookware into the trash. Any doubles, or items you’ve rarely-if-ever used (do I see a Flavorwave?) can be put aside for the charity store.

Step 5: Put the pots, pans and cookware you’re keeping back into the cupboard. Make the area tidy by keeping similar items together.

Step 6: If any of your pots, pans or cookware needs replacement, make a note on your shopping list.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

Let’s simplify your recipe collection.

  1. Scan your collection of cookbooks and recipes.
  2. Books you don’t love or use? Put them aside to donate to a friend or the library.
  3. Books with only a few recipes you use? Consider ripping out the pages you use to simplify your recipe library.
  4. Make a note to buy a binder or display folder for your loose recipes.

Now don’t you feel more inclined to cook here?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave your comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

189 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 13: Organize Your Pots, Pans and Cookware

  1. Laura B says:

    Done! Pots and pans were fairly easy, my husband got me pull out drawers for our Anniversary in Nov. So they were still neat.
    The cookbooks and recipes on the other hand took a LONG time. I collect WAY too many recipes from newspapers and websites. Gotta stop that!!
    But things are much neater now.

  2. Arielle says:

    Done! I don’t have enough cupboard space in my kitchen to store pots & pans, so everything I have goes in the drawer at the bottom of my oven. They still had managed to become a mess, so I took everything out, vacuumed the drawer, and replaced the cookware in a neater manner. I can actually close the drawer without any problem now!

  3. Kelly Hauge says:

    I agree with everyone that the pots and pans job wasn’t too bad, the cookbooks is the real job here. But I never would have thought of doing it so I”m glad it finally got done.

  4. Patty says:

    Pots & pans already cleared out. Worked on one of a number of recipe files. Completed 2 out of the 5!

  5. JuliaJayne says:

    I replaced a small non-stick pan yesterday, so this is good timing. Before putting everything away, I wiped down the shelves as this was on my list of things to do.

  6. Kati C. says:

    This one was pretty quick for me because I’m always having to stay on top of that cupboard anyways since my son is always getting into it and playing with all of my cookware. Done!

  7. Karen H. Phillips says:

    Barely got started, but the two cabinets with cake pans and cookware were already in pretty good shape, just restacked a few things and rearranged a bit. I really should go back another day and find SOMETHING to get rid of!

  8. Margaret Sansom says:

    Had just gone through my cupboards a couple of months ago and eliminated many items I hadn’t used in ages. I do have a couple of cookbooks that contain only a couple of recipes that I like, so I’m going to scan those into my computer and donate the books to a local thrift store.

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