30-Day Organize-athon | Day 12: Declutter Your Car’s Glove Box

30-Day Organize-athon 12

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to declutter your glove box.

Clarity, freedom and order – here we come!

Day 12: Declutter Your Car’s Glove Box

Step 1: Grab a bag and get into your car. Empty your glove box onto the seat beside you.

Step 2: Only return to your glove box items you need and use, for example:

  • Car log book
  • Pen and notebook
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses
  • Current street directories
  • Relevant maps
  • Wet wipes
  • First aid items.

Step 3: Toss into the bag:

  • Yucky tissues
  • Random receipts and post-its
  • Ancient maps and street directories
  • Food remnants
  • Anything you don’t need or use.

Step 4: Throw your bag into the trash.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

  1. Check your trunk:
    – Remove any trash
    – Return to the proper place any items that don’t belong in the trunk.
  2. Check the interior of your car:
    – Remove any trash
    Return to the proper place any items that don’t belong in the trunk.

Road trip, anyone?

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave your comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

205 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 12: Declutter Your Car’s Glove Box

  1. Kati C. says:

    awesome task for the day! i didn’t have a lot of extra junk in there but the stuff that i did have in there was in such disarray. taking it all out to organize and put it back in there nicely did wonders! thanks!

  2. Danielle says:

    done–found the plastic sheet I had kept there in case my water broke when I was pregnant last year!

  3. Julie says:

    I was seriously just thinking yesterday (as I shoved yet another piece of paper in one of 3 glove boxes in my car), “I wonder if cleaning out the glove box will be tomorrow’s task.” Sure enough. Thanks!
    Got all three cleaned out and orderly. Also working on my bedroom closet today on a whim. Have to encourage those when they come along….

  4. Dawn says:

    Van glove box clean up led to an entire van clean out (again long over due!) Perfect timing. the van is totally cleaned, floor mats washed all winter salt and sand vacuumed out!

  5. Arielle says:

    Done! This one was nice & quick! I still found things in the glove box that didn’t need to be there—and now I can say that’s no longer the case!

  6. Marie says:

    Great one! I did this, and even threw out all of the cassette tapes I had in there. Do I really need the Moody Blues and INXS from 198? No!
    Great decluttering ideas. Keep ’em coming!

  7. deltalady6 says:

    Oooo, that was easy! I have a really small glove box so not much room for anything. So I also did the console compartments. Much better!

  8. Marci says:

    Done!!! I try to do this at the end and beginning of each sports season. Boy what you can gather while going from game to game.

  9. Cynthia says:

    I usually try to keep my car clutter free. I’m pretty good at keeping it up, esp with 3 boys!

  10. Diane says:

    This wasn’t bad–my husband is a stickler for the car being orderly as he will occasionally volunteer his car to transport coworkers to lunches or meetings. Thanks, though–always good tips to follow!

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