30 Day Organize athon 11

30-Day Organize-athon | Day 11: Organize Your Shoes

30-Day Organize-athon 11

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-organize your shoes.

We want clarity, freedom, and order. Now let’s create them!

Day 11: Organize Your Shoes

Step 1: Get a large bag. Quickly scanning your footwear, throw into the bag any shoes or boots that:

  • Are tatty, broken, or in poor condition
  • Are tragically out of style
  • Are ill-fitting or uncomfortable
  • Don’t go with your clothes, taste, or lifestyle.

Step 2: Do a second scan for anything that needs repair. If you know you’ll never get around to the repair, then pop these items straight into your bag. Otherwise, put them aside for later attention.

Step 3: Put your bag by the door or take it straight out to the car. (Really good stuff should go to charity, but let the rest go into the trash.)

Step 4: Do a quick tidy of your remaining shoes and boots.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

  1. Look over the outfits in your closet. Would particular items of footwear help you get more out of your wardrobe? For example, for girls:
    Do you have several evening outfits but no good evening shoes?
    Could you get more looks from your jeans if had boots to tuck your jeans into?
    Would platform heels allow you to dress up existing outfits?
    Would ballet flats allow you to dress down existing outfits?
    For guys:
    Would some black or brown lace-up shoes look better for work?
    Sorry guys – I’m out. Sad smile
  2. Add the shoes you need to your clothes shopping list.

As if you needed an excuse to go shoe shopping!

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

197 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 11: Organize Your Shoes

  1. Margaret Sansom says:

    Thanks for this day. Have been meaning to take a bunch of great sandals to the shoe repairman for new insoles for some time. Now at least, they’re in a bag ready to go the next time I go to Victorville.

  2. Nicole says:

    I recently cleaned out my shoes due to another cleaning out your house blog that I’m following, but I think that there is one more pair that needs to go. In all honestly I don’t think I will ever wear them again as I can barely walk in them…time to let go…sniff sniff

  3. bee says:

    It took less than 5 min to check that things had not fallen into disorder as
    I had done this one 10 days ago.
    I polished all my scuffed up work shoes, put them back in the closet, and set up a spot at the front entry (2 stories below the living levels) for taking off shoes worn outdoors and putting on my “indoor- -only shoes” in order not to track mud, chemicals, grime and bacteria into the home. My cousin’s young children love to play on the wide, carpeted stairs and they insist on shoe removal at their entry.

  4. Julie says:

    Done. Nice to have an easier task. I thought I had just done this a couple of months ago (and I had), but I still found 2 pair to get rid of. Constant vigilance! You’ll need to do a reboot of this 30-day challenge in just a couple of months to keep us on all the right track!

  5. Patty says:

    I did this over the Christmas holiday. But, did a quick look at the 2 rows again and found 2 more that had NOT been worn since last year. I have given them to my sister-in-law this morning. She loved them!

  6. Courtney says:

    Did this with the move, but I did organize them and make sure they were all put in their place (kids).

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