30 Day Organize athon 11

30-Day Organize-athon | Day 11: Organize Your Shoes

30-Day Organize-athon 11

Welcome to the 30-Day Organize-athon!

In today’s 5 minutes we’re going to express-organize your shoes.

We want clarity, freedom, and order. Now let’s create them!

Day 11: Organize Your Shoes

Step 1: Get a large bag. Quickly scanning your footwear, throw into the bag any shoes or boots that:

  • Are tatty, broken, or in poor condition
  • Are tragically out of style
  • Are ill-fitting or uncomfortable
  • Don’t go with your clothes, taste, or lifestyle.

Step 2: Do a second scan for anything that needs repair. If you know you’ll never get around to the repair, then pop these items straight into your bag. Otherwise, put them aside for later attention.

Step 3: Put your bag by the door or take it straight out to the car. (Really good stuff should go to charity, but let the rest go into the trash.)

Step 4: Do a quick tidy of your remaining shoes and boots.

And you’re done!

Got an Extra 5 Minutes?

  1. Look over the outfits in your closet. Would particular items of footwear help you get more out of your wardrobe? For example, for girls:
    Do you have several evening outfits but no good evening shoes?
    Could you get more looks from your jeans if had boots to tuck your jeans into?
    Would platform heels allow you to dress up existing outfits?
    Would ballet flats allow you to dress down existing outfits?
    For guys:
    Would some black or brown lace-up shoes look better for work?
    Sorry guys – I’m out. Sad smile
  2. Add the shoes you need to your clothes shopping list.

As if you needed an excuse to go shoe shopping!

The 30-Day Organize-athon Mantra

Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go!

Start the 5-minute timer now.

Leave Your Comment Below…

Please leave a comment below to say you’ve completed today’s task.

See you tomorrow!

[Image by aussiegall]

197 thoughts on “30-Day Organize-athon | Day 11: Organize Your Shoes

  1. Suzanne says:

    When organizing closet also did shoes – have sent several pair ro consignment shop. Love your hints!!

  2. Kimberly Cole says:

    Right now, I only have three pairs of shoes, a set of heels, flats and boots. All three are currently in so-so condition, but I can’t afford to buy more so they are going to stay in their nice little row under my desk in the bedroom until my tuition check comes in.

  3. Terri Becker says:

    Cleaned out the basenebt yesterday.Doing this today because it’s time to switch my shoes around because of the weather being warmer here in Mo.I,am doing it today.Thanks for the neat 5 mintue tips.Some days 5 mintues is all I have.

  4. Debby Sapp says:

    😀 I have so few shoes, this is a SNAP! I’ll work more on the closet after the 1 minute it takes me to do this.

    I would recommend for buying suggestions for the guys:
    Do they need work boots to protect their feet, even for around the house jobs? Work-related injuries can be lessened with the correct footwear.
    Would a pair of cowboy boots go along with their recreational time? (Blue jeans and boots – don’t forget the hat).
    Sneakers/tennis shoes/athletic shoes are only really supportive for about 500 miles. After that, they should be replaced if you’re doing any type of physical activity with them (beyond normal life walking). This would hold true for women, too.
    Do the shoes in the closet need shining and/or polishing? (This would also hold true for women – some leather shoes will last longer if shined/polished on a regular basis.)
    Men may want to look at their belts while looking at their shoes and see if any of them need shining or polishing or throwing out.

    Just some ideas. This is ONE area where I have clarity and no clutter.
    Debby S

  5. star says:

    Oh, this will be tough. I love shoes! I’m never able to get rid of them. Move fast, breathe and think of the square footage (LOL) I’ll gain with this challenge. Wish me luck!

  6. Allison says:

    I have eight prs all lined up neatly from the closet challenge, will spend
    5mins now giving one pair a clean, and tossing another pair. Now for some shopping 🙂

  7. Silvia says:

    Much needed, especially since an early summer has arrived unexpectedly and I had boots, shoes and sandals lying around everywhere. Got rid mainly of very old winter shoes and boots.
    This afternoon my husband will do his lot. We’ll hopefully gain some closet space

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