30 x 5 Organize athon 03

The 30-Day Organize-athon Starts Tomorrow!

30-Day Organize-athon

Just a reminder that the 30-Day Organize-athon starts tomorrow!

Are you ready? Here’s your checklist:

1. Read about the  30-Day Organize-athon so you know what to expect.

2. Commit – by leaving your commitment comment on this post.

3. Make sure you’ll see each day’s post, by either:

  • Coming here to the blog each day and reading the current day’s task
  • Getting my blog posts automatically delivered direct to your inbox by email each day
  • Getting my blog posts automatically sent to your RSS reader each day
  • Following the links I’ll post each day on my Facebook Page (to see them in your newsfeed, be sure to LIKE the page).

4. Be in the running for prizes by leaving a comment each day to say you’ve done that day’s task. Be sure to leave your comment on the relevant post, either on that day’s blog post, or on the Facebook link that I post for that day.

Important Note:

Please note that you must leave your comment on each day’s blog post or my daily Facebook post in order for us to be able to track your check-ins and keep you in the running for prizes. There are more than a thousand people already committed to the 30-Day Organize-athon! If you just leave your own post somewhere on the Facebook page, we can’t track it.

It’s worth getting right, because prizes include:

So get ready for some spring cleaning this April…

See You Tomorrow! Smile

[Image by aussiegall]

96 thoughts on “The 30-Day Organize-athon Starts Tomorrow!

  1. Rzzy says:

    I was in someone else’s cluttered messy house today and saw how my home would look in someone else’s eyes–really need to get this house under control.

  2. hautensaucy says:

    I am so looking forward to this! Not only am I participating so are the rest of my family members!! Surprise! No joke there, get to organizing!! An episode of “Hoarders” is my greatest fear ever, so this is a big deal for me!

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