30 x 5 Organize athon 0

Get Organized For Spring: Join The 30-Day Organize-athon!

30 x 5 Organize-athon 0

Make a fresh start and get organized this spring with my easy and motivating 30-Day Organize-athon.

What Is The 30-Day Organize-athon?

Over the 30 days of April I’ll give you a daily 5-minute organizing assignment.

Each assignment will be a very simple, step-by-step task to organize a small aspect of your home, time or life.

That’s just 30 days of 5-minute tasks – totally achievable!

How Can You Participate in The 30-Day Organize-athon?

All you have to do to be part of the 30-Day Organize-athon is to leave a comment saying you’re going to complete all 30 x 5-minute organizing tasks.

Make a commitment or life will intervene, and you’ll miss this opportunity to be part of a motivating community of fellow organizers. Don’t procrastinate, take action!

Once you’re committed, get your daily challenge each day in April in any of the following ways:

  • Come here to the blog each day and read the current day’s task
  • Get my blog posts automatically delivered direct to your inbox by email each day
  • Get my blog posts automatically sent to your RSS reader each day
  • Follow the links I’ll post each day on my Facebook Page (to see them in your newsfeed, be sure to LIKE the page).

It’s easy, motivating, achievable, and free.

But wait – there’s more!

You Mean There Are Prizes For Completing The 30-Day Organize-athon, Too?

There sure are!

I want to keep you motivated to do each day’s tasks, so here’s added incentive to complete your organizing assignments.

Check in to say you’ve done your task each day – here on the blog or on my Facebook Page  – and you’ll be in the running to win cool prizes that will help you get even more organized.

Check in every day for a week on the relevant blog post, or the relevant link on my Facebook Page, and you could win:

  • a From Procrastination To Action Workbook Set, containing Volume 1 and Volume 2
  • a 1-year membership to the Organize In 5 program (this is the program on which the daily organizing tasks are based).

Check in the whole 30 days on the relevant blog post, or the relevant link on my Facebook Page, and you could win The Works! Pack. That’s our entire collection of organizing and productivity products and membership programs, including the hugely popular 52 Missions Home Organizer, Life & Goal Organizer, Design Your Life, My Business Organizer, plus much, much more!

NOTE: Comments by email or posted on the Facebook wall don’t count toward prizes! Please leave your comment either on the blog post for that day, or on my Facebook post for that day.

Get Organized, Feel Fabulous!

You’ve got nothing to lose except stress, clutter and frustration – and plenty to gain.

So join the 30-Day Organize-athon now by leaving your commitment comment, and get ready for a more organized life!

Before You Go:

  • Subscribe to the blog by email, and/or
  • Subscribe to the blog by RSS, and/or
  • Like the Facebook Page (and remember to check your news feed or visit the page each day in April), plus
  • Leave your commitment comment below.

Remember,  we start the 30-Day Organize-athon on 1 April – but it’s no joke! Smile

[Image by aussiegall]

1,381 thoughts on “Get Organized For Spring: Join The 30-Day Organize-athon!

  1. Kyle Murray says:

    I NEED IT!!!
    though I think my 5 minutes tasks will take longer (as my home is a cluttered ragged mess!) This 30 day challenge sounds just like the key I need to make it manageable. When tasks overwhelm its best to take one babystep at a time – this is PERFECT for me. Guess procrastination is out of the question now 🙂 WAHOOOOO!!!!

    Here’s to all of us who are making the change!!

  2. Sara says:

    I’m in!!!!! Moving across the country in 6 weeks, and I need to get and STAY organized!!!!!

  3. Kellie S. says:

    I AM going to complete all 30 x 5-minute organizing tasks in the 30-Day

  4. Lara says:

    I am definietly in!! I put a daily reminder in my Outlook for the next 30 days. My family won’t know what hit them.

  5. Kaitlyn says:

    I am committed to completing all 30 x 5-minute organizing tasks.
    Very Excited! Thanks so much!

  6. Amy says:

    I am starting the 30-day Organize-athon today. I am very excited. This is exactly what I needed.

  7. Jasmine P says:

    Thank you for the ebook. I am really looking forward to this and finally getting my house organized!

  8. PBond says:

    sooo doing this! it has been time for a long time…hoping it sticks with me and my family this time-for good!!!thanks a bunch!

  9. Pingback: Day 1 – 30×5 Organize-athon «

  10. Angela says:

    I keep an inventory of what’s in my pantry. I have a sheet that I write down what’s in my pantry, there are little boxes that I put a slash line in / each to let me know how many I have. And as I use one I put another slash line \ so that it looks like an X . This lets me know when I need to restock and that way items get used before the expiration date. It also makes filling out my grocery list easier.
    As each item gets low I’ll wipe down the shelf and dust off the remaining cans.

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