Simplify Your Life: New Series Starts Today

Simplify Your Life

Is a sense of overwhelm holding you back from the life you want?

If you often feel disorganized, indecisive, or immobilized, it’s worth looking for ways to make your life simpler.

Having a sense of what isn’t for you can be a super-smart way to cut down your choices, save yourself mistakes and feel a greater sense of control and order in your life.

Of course, you have to be careful not to limit your options so much that you become stuck in a rut and never venture outside your comfort zone. Encouraging yourself to try new things is important if you want to stay young at heart. You have to strike a balance.

But if stress, overwhelm or immobilization are a problem for you, a little simplicity might serve you well.

Simplify Your Life Series

In this new Simplify Your Life series, I’m going to suggest ways you can make things simpler for yourself.

Some of the areas I’ll cover in coming posts are:

If you’d like to live a simpler life, I hope you’ll join me!

Join Me

Don’t miss a post! Stay in touch in these ways:

And if there’s a particular area you want to simplify, please let me know in the comments.

[Image by Caitlin House]

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