I’m very excited about the upcoming release of My Business Organizer – a set of more than 250 interactive worksheets and planners to help you plan, manage and grow your business.
I’d love to create a cover that resonates with you, my readers and customers – so I’m asking for your opinion, please!
I’ll pick two commenters to each receive a complete copy of My Business Organizer as a prize.
About My Business Organizer
My Business Organizer is ideal for home businesses, coaches, consultants, and solo business owners, but almost any small business can use these the interactive, motivating forms and planners to achieve greater business success.
My Business Organizer covers:
- Productivity & Time Management
- Goal Setting & Decision Making
- Staff & Office Management
- Professional Development
- Business & Marketing Planning
- Expenses & Accounts
- Managing Clients & Contracts
- Business Entertaining & Travel
- Technology & Social Media
- Professional Business Forms for External Use.
Would You Please Take a Look?
A | ![]() |
B | ![]() |
C | ![]() |
D | ![]() |
E | ![]() |
F | ![]() |
Each of the draft covers has been designed to evoke some aspect of being an entrepreneur.
Please pick your top three covers, and rank them 1 (favorite), 2 and 3, using the letter to the left of each cover to identify it.
Which cover do you like, and why?
Please leave your feedback as a comment.
I’ll contact the winning commenters by email and also announce the winners in a blog post.
Thank You!
I really appreciate your time and thought – thank you so much for your input. 🙂
1. E; since I have a home based business, this one appeals to me the most.
2. A; because I care about the environment and so does the network marketing company I am a part of.
3. D; because it denotes growth and success in business.
Best wishes with the launch of your exciting new ‘My Business Organizer’.
It looks terrific.
Chris. Convery.
I like
1) A
2) F
3) D
A – because of it’s simplicity, and the idea of new growth – being fresh and alive
F – because the lady here looks so relaxed and yet she is still at work!
D- because the blocks look so neatly organized, and are heading in the right direction!
Thanks for your website. Sadly my hubby has just passed away after a year long battle with leukaemia, and he was always the better of us at organizing our home. 🙂
I will be using your tips, to help me to re-create our house so that it reflects the best of our memories of him, without holding onto all of the stuff that I don’t really need.
I like
F she looks relaxed and happy.
A makes you think of new growth & always growing.
B this looks fun!
Love your site.
I like B because it looks like it’s geared to many different types of people and the information inside is a lot fun to read and easy to digest and use. I get the feeling that I would enjoy the information and it would be a program that anyone could use! With it being a cartoon, some people may think it’s not as professional as something else. I would purchase it with that cover.
I like F because you can tell that she is at home, and this is geared to home based small business owners. It looks comfortable, suggesting that the information inside is easy to digest and use. My only issue is that it seems aimed at women and not men. I would purchase it with that cover, however some men may be put off by it.
I like A because it appears that the information in the book is going to help you grow your business. It appears that the information inside is serious and will help you with your goals. However it appears dry and boring. I’d really have to look inside and see what I am getting before I would buy the book.
Much success with the book!!
1.A-This reminds me of getting my hands on getting control of my life so that I can be an example of being an organizer.
2.D- Shows me that not only I’m growing and improving being an entrepreneur but I am growing with the company, as we are showing the facts of growth. The measurements are incredible MIchelle!
3.E-I like this one too because the picture reminds me that I’m not in business by myself, I have the company of others helping grow our business together.
The lack of diversity is a turn off for me.
Dr. Wright
Wright Place TV Show
one more comment, I also like B best because it carries a consistent look to it as your life and goal organizer cover. I’m really looking forward to this product becoming available!
I’m a graphic artist, so for what it’s worth:
1. B
2. E
3. F
The plant in the hands one makes me think that the business plan is about becoming a “green” business.
The chart is too sterile.
The business people one is nice but doesn’t appeal to small businesses that run from their home or are more casual.
I like the graph with the sales (or profits, etc) skyrocketing!!
In order
The covers seem modern and current. I like A best because of the potential we as Entreprenuers have!
My vote goes to:
1 – F – It reflects a daily life of a busy woman that needs to be in control of her schedule and tasks by organizing her daily life.
2 – E – Shows that the organization can be done by the couple to the benefit of the family.
3 – B – It’s an attractive “cartoon” which brings color and joy every time we look at the organizer.
1. A – gives you the feeling of growing and nuturing something, like you would a buisness
2. E – looks fun and easy… the way you want your business to run if it is going smoothly… and that is what you hope for when you purchase the product
3. B – cute
C & D – Seem too “suit and tie”
F – Seems a little to lax and lazy
I went more for feeling at first glance, which is all you get sometimes when presenting something that you only have a visual and words.
1. B – it’s the most visually appealing
2. D – professional
3. E – looks like the way a lot of people today run businesses – from their homes
Best of luck to you!
1. F
2. A
3. B
F resonates with me for some reason. It’s business but relaxed. A. I like it is organic and about growth. B. Is relaxed and fun not taking itself too seriously. I’ve always pretty much worked in a corporate environment – I’m over it. So I don’t care for C & D. I’m also single so E doens’t work for me much. But these are pretty personal observations may not fit your audience globally. Valerie makes a good point about keeping the images neutral.
I like B best cause it’s cute and cartoonish and makes me want to be creative!
I like
1. E
2. F
3. B
I like E and F because they are clean, fresh and vibrant. I like B because it is fun.
My favourites are:
1. A
2. E
3. F
I think my absolute favourite is A since for me it represents the nuturing it takes to grow your business to it’s full potential. I like E and F since they both (to me) represent what an at home business can be like. My family is my partner and work along side me to build my business and sometimes there is just nothing better than getting down on the floor and relaxing while checking emails.
1. A (almost exactly the same picture I have on my vision board)
2. E (This is what my current at home-working environment looks like, but usually the kids are at their laptops as well.)
3. F (O, I do want to “work” like this. Please.)
A) It’s the one that my eye kept being drawn back to. I think it’s the simple way it presents it’s message of growing and nuturing a business
E) Because I am typing this on my laptop while sitting on my couch!
B) The characters seem to relate more to the images in your other programs
But I definitely like A the most. It has the best visual draw for me and I really like the imagery
My choices are:
1) B/E
2) F
I was torn between B/E…B depicts a variety of different people, which immediately communicates that the book will be appropriate for any number of genres. Really love this appeal. The “animated” characters imply ease of use of the enclosed materials. This is very important as, any one choosing to use this material is already taking on a huge project your object to help ease through the process. E…depicts where we entrepreneurs often find ourselves working on the couch, untethered….working anywhere and everywhere…working hard, yet comfortable…creative juices flowing.
F, depicts one who is feeling comfortable, confident and organized…the end result of use the book.
I’ve not had the opportunity to use any of the tools yet, but am so looking forward to doing so!
Best of luck with the new book.