Organize Your Bathroom [Mission #22]

Create a sense of order in the bathroom 

Welcome to Mission #22 of our 52 Get Organized Missions.

This week we turn to the bathroom. Follow these 3 simple steps and you’ll have your own little spa in your home.

This mission is a great follow on from our previous missions (Get Organized Mission: #20: Create Your Organized Life Bedtime Routine and Get Organized Mission #21: Create Your Organized Life Morning Routine).

Remember: you only need 30 minutes for the basic mission. Extended Options are below.
If you’re new, you might like to start here: 52 Organizing Missions.

Get Organized Mission #22: Organize Your Bathroom

Step 1: Take everything out (5 minutes)

Take everything out of the cabinets and drawers, and off the shelves, sills and ledges.

Place it all on a bathmat in the centre of the room, or just outside if there’s no space.

Step 2: Ditch the dross (10 minutes)

As usual, be ruthless. If you don’t love it or use it – lose it. Target:

  • Old or expired toiletries and bath products
  • Old or yucky make-up
  • Old or yucky hairbrushes and combs
  • Old perfumes and lotions
  • Expired and no-longer-needed medicines
  • Tatty towels and bathmats
  • Empty or mildewed bottles
  • Yucky bathroom accessories, like rusty shower caddies
  • Unloved bathroom ornaments

Step 3: Organize and replace (15 minutes)

Here are 2 principles for deciding what goes where:

1. Keep things accessible according to frequency of use

For example:

  • Toothbrushes and lotions you use everyday should be in the most convenient place – these deserve a CBD location.
  • Medicines you use sometimes or want to access easily in case of emergency should be conveniently accessible – these can live in the suburbs.
  • Gadgets that come out rarely can afford to go in less convenient locations, like high shelves – these belong on the outskirts of your bathroom real estate.

2. Keep similar things together

  • Keep like with like – you’ll easily remember where things go and retrieve them fast.
  • Keep things close to where you use them – shower products in the shower, dental products beside the sink, shaver in a cabinet beside the power point, etc.

Dos & Don’ts

  • Don’t clutter up your life with excessive grooming paraphernalia.
  • Do replace unneeded medicines with appropriate first aid supplies.

Extended Organizing Mission Options

Want to go beyond this 30-minute organizing mission?

  • Give each of the kids a basket for their bathroom supplies. Encourage them to keep what they need and let go of things that run out or are no longer needed.
  • To save space and simplify your life, streamline your grooming routine. What steps can you cut out as you get ready each day? What gadgets and products can you eliminate?
  • Treat yourself to nice fluffy towels, yummy-smelling products, a candle and perhaps an iPod-speaker. It will turn your bathroom into your own little spa.

Ready, Set, Go!

Remember – move quickly, act fast, don’t overthink.

Before You Go – Please Check In, And Send Photos!

Please add a comment at the bottom of this post to let your mission-mates know you’ve completed this week’s Get Organized Mission and you’re keeping your commitment.

We’d love to add your before and after snaps to the 52 Organizing Missions Hall of Fame. Please send photos to:

And see you back here next week!

Did You Know

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[Image: / CC BY-SA 2.0]

47 thoughts on “Organize Your Bathroom [Mission #22]

  1. Rose P. says:

    I did this task on Saturday. I took all the pills bottles and placed then in separate utensil holders. This way, they are all in one place in my medicine cabinet. Any bottles of lotion, etc. that were empty were tossed. All waskcloths were rolled and placed on a wicker basket on top of the toilet tank. I have a trya that I found in the garbage once and cleaned it up. Now it holds all the essentials I need everyday (toothpast, mouthwash, hairspray, facial tissue, cotton swabs). My countrer is clean and easily washable. What a wonderful feeling to walk in to the room now!

  2. Angela says:

    Running a little behind, but I got this one done. Going to pick out new bath mats next trip to the store too.

  3. Karen says:

    Looks good. Smells good! I followed your directions, and went a step or two further.
    Repainted the walls, and bought new area carpets for the tile floor. (Big bathroom).
    It is great to open a drawer or a cabinet and see the stuff you want and need… but still there is plenty of open space.

  4. Lauren says:

    This was somewhat of just a re-do for me, since I’d organized my bathroom cabinets several months ago, but it was time to put things back in order. I also needed to accommodate all the kitten things I’ve recently had to add. So…done!

  5. Lauren says:

    This was somewhat of just a re-do for me, since I’d organized my bathroom cabinets several months ago, but it was time to put things back in order. I also needed to accommodate all the kitten things I’ve recently had to add. So…done!

  6. Theresa says:

    My bathrooms look great and I feel so good about my accomplishment. In one bathroom, I took down all wall decorations except a clock and one small item, took the stuff off the back of the toilet, and cleared the vanity. It looks so clean and minimalist. My husband loves it and so do I. In the other I removed five nails that once held decorative items and went through all my drawers and cabinets. It looks and feels great!

  7. Theresa says:

    My bathrooms look great and I feel so good about my accomplishment. In one bathroom, I took down all wall decorations except a clock and one small item, took the stuff off the back of the toilet, and cleared the vanity. It looks so clean and minimalist. My husband loves it and so do I. In the other I removed five nails that once held decorative items and went through all my drawers and cabinets. It looks and feels great!

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