Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings [Day 3: Career & Business]

Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings [Day 3]

I’m going to make 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over the next 12 days.

I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Join me!

Day 1: Personal Development

My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my weights in Body Pump class for biceps and shoulders.


✔ Raised weights on days I’ve had Pump class.

Day 2: Health & Fitness

My Day 2 Fresh Start was to give up Smith’s Cheese & Onion Chips – at least for September.


✔ Stayed chip-sober so far – but it’s proving very hard for me! I think it’s only knowing that I have to report in to you guys that’s keeping me on track.

Day 3: Career & Business

Today my fresh start is from category 1: To try something new. I’m going to start planning out changes to my website’s homepage (feel free to offer suggestions!).

I’ll let you know how I go tomorrow – when I’ll make my fourth fresh start – in Fun & Recreation.

What About You?

Think of your own Career & Business goals and plans. In what area could you:

  • Start something new or try something you haven’t done, eaten, read, or experienced before
  • Give up something – maybe a habit that undermines you or an obligation that weighs you down
  • Do more of something – be specific about ‘more’, but don’t be overly-ambitious
  • Do less of something – be specific about ‘less’, but don’t be overly-ambitious

I hope you’ll choose something and join me!

To leave a comment: Scroll to the bottom of this post – a comment box is waiting for you.

Image: / CC BY 2.0

4 thoughts on “Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings [Day 3: Career & Business]

  1. Michele Connolly says:

    Hi Tricia,

    Putting in for the job is a fabulous fresh start! Be sure to follow up and/or have back-ups plans – so your fresh start doesn’t depend on that one outcome.

    Twitter counts if you’re using it to help your business.

    So – well done, Tricia!

    Michele 🙂

  2. Tricia in England says:

    My Day 3 was to follow up on some money owed to me- not the best start. But I am also getting roped into Twitter- does that count as ‘Business’? Ooooh – and I saw a job I liked and put in for it.

  3. Tricia in England says:

    On your home page the font is a bit light- I would use a darker colour (like the heading colour would be fine) to make it easier to read. Also you have used Arial, and I cannot change the font size through Page/Text Size. I find Verdana easier to read than Arial for a small font.

    I haven’t got round to Day 3 yet (that’s tomorrow here). I might move my geocities site to my ISP for safekeeping. Or I might do a blog post.

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