Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings [Day 2: Health & Fitness]

Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings [Day 2]

I’m going to make 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over the next 12 days.

I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Join me!

Day 1: Personal Development

My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my weights in Body Pump class for biceps and shoulders.


✔ Shoulders

✔ It was only a 45-minute class and we didn’t do biceps – but I compensated by using weights for the lunge track. I figure I deserve a tick for that!

Day 2: Health & Fitness6a00c22527fc608e1d00fad6a1f0b20005-500pi

Today my fresh start is from category 2: To give up something. I’m giving up Smith’s Cheese & Onion Chips – at least for September.

I don’t usually believe in giving up things you love, and I find that with most things a morsel a day keeps the bingeing away.

But this addiction has become a little extreme, so I’m happy to try the turkey from the fridge.

I’ll let you know how I go tomorrow – when I’ll make my third fresh start – in Career & Business.

What About You?

Think of your own Health & Fitness goals and plans. In what area could you:

  • Start something new or try something you haven’t done, eaten, read, or experienced before
  • Give up something – maybe a habit that undermines you or an obligation that weighs you down
  • Do more of something – be specific about ‘more’, but don’t be overly-ambitious
  • Do less of something – be specific about ‘less’, but don’t be overly-ambitious

I hope you’ll choose something and join me!

Image: / CC BY 2.0

6 thoughts on “Fresh Start: 12 Days of New Beginnings [Day 2: Health & Fitness]

  1. David says:

    Health and Fitness are the real wealth for all of us, so we must take care of our health if we want to live healthy life. Thank you for this meaningful article. Keep writing like this information and helping us all.

  2. Jessica says:

    i think this fresh start program is great, day 1 i decided to start reading for a half an hour before bed everynight i love reading but never make time to do it unless its for school, and day 2 i am giving up chocolate bars, this might be difficult but my body will thank me.

  3. Olivia says:

    Ok you twisted my arm. I believe I will start my 12 day beginings. Day1- Find a new friend. In my life of raising eight children, traveling all over with my husbands work, I have had no real time to make friends. I am a mom, wife who is friendless. If I were to die tommorow I am not sure who would show up other than the kids. Lol. It would be wonderful to have a best friend and not be such a loner. So I will put myself out there to meeting new people. Day2- Go to the gym and work on cardiovasculer training.Day3- Plan on going back to school. Day4- Get back on an airplane. I have not flown since I saw and heard a plane crash. I want to travel overseas but can’t go by car now can I??? Day5- Start writing again. I loved to write when I was in school. Day6- Give up cheese for one month. I love cheese. Day 6,7,8,9,10,11,12. Need more time. Thanks for the article it is great. I have been inspired by a real person not some phoney who has never had a problem in there life.

  4. Tricia in England says:

    Your photo is very appropriate! Tricia got off the bus one stop early to collect some windfall apples – and carried an extra 6 lb bag across the motorway bridge and up that godawful steep hill. The one where even experienced drivers avoid a hill start.

    The apples mark the start of the apple crumble season (humble crumble we call it) with cinnamon to protect against flu.

  5. Barbara in GA says:

    Hm. ‘Health and Fitness’. I think I’ll ‘do less of something’ and eat less. No more second helpings for me.

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