Get Organized Mission #13: Organize Your Emergency Contacts [With Free Emergency Phone Contact List]

Get Organized Mission #13: Organize Your Emergency ContactsWelcome to Mission #13 of our 52 Get Organized Missions.

Having all our emergency contact numbers in one neat list is a personal organization task we know we should tackle, but one we don’t always get around to.

If you’ve created some order with your finances after completing the previous mission (Get Organized Mission #12: Organize Your Accounts & Credit Cards), congratulations.

With my nifty Emergency Contact List Worksheet, the task becomes a breeze. (We’ve had a few challenging missions lately, so I figure it’s time for an easy one.)

This is an important mission – and one that will bring you peace of mind.

Remember: you only need 30 minutes for the basic mission. Extended Options are below. If you’re new, you might like to start here: 52 Organizing Missions.

Get Organized Mission #13:
Organize Your Emergency Contacts

Step 1: Download the Emergency Phone Contact ListUltimate To-Do List Pack | Home and Family Edition

I’ve provided you with an Emergency Phone Contact List Worksheet for this mission.

It’s an interactive PDF, so you can Type-&-Save or Print-&-Write.

This worksheet is from my The Ultimate To-Do List Pack | Home & Family Edition. Download it by clicking the link below.

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Step 2: Fill it in

It will probably take you most of the 30 minutes to locate and fill in the information. Off you go!

Step 3: Place it where you’ll look in an emergency

You might want to make several copies and leave one on the fridge, one by the phone and one in the study.

And keep an extra copy for next week’s mission – we’ll be creating a home-management binder system.

Dos & Don’ts

  • Don’t leave out any of the emergency numbers, even if you know them off by heart. This list will be a handy resource for the kids, babysitters, house-sitters, and visitors too.
  • Do update the list when you change locations or preferred tradespeople.

Extended Organizing Mission Options

Want to go beyond this 30-minute organizing mission?

  • Show the list to the kids and explain which numbers to use in which situations. Don’t be scary about it – just explain that it’s a good organizational strategy to have these numbers handy.
  • What other emergency contingencies does this bring to mind? It might be a good time to tackle other seasonal or emergency preparations.

Ready, Set, Go!

Remember – move quickly, act fast, don’t overthink.

Before You Go – Please Check In

Once you’ve completed this week’s Get Organized Mission please add a comment to let us know you’ve done your assignment and you’re keeping your commitment. To leave a comment: Scroll to the bottom of this post, where you’ll find a comment box waiting for you.

And see you back here next week!

Did You Know

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18 thoughts on “Get Organized Mission #13: Organize Your Emergency Contacts [With Free Emergency Phone Contact List]

  1. kay wolter says:

    completed in 2 hours loved it and then did all doctors and numbers called regularly thought of doing for years…

  2. Linda says:

    Done! I have ahouse full of guests and I put it on the cork board,above the phone. Now they will all know who to call in case of an emergency

  3. Katya says:

    I’ve had such a list for many years, and it is really helping. In my house it is near the phone base, so it takes a second to find a number and call, not losing precious time in case of emergency.

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