Get Organized Mission #7: Be Happy!

Get Organized Mission #7: Be Happy! Welcome to Mission #7 of our 52 Organizing Missions.

So far we’ve spent our 30-minute missions decluttering our homes, detoxing our handbags, briefcases and cars, sorting our bills and messages, and saying no to free stuff we simply don’t need.

This week we deserve a reward! So this week’s mission is all about being happy.

Yep, we’re going to spend some time noticing the things we enjoy and then (here’s the shocking part) doing them!!

Please don’t neglect this mission. I promise you’ll be glad you ignored the little voice in your head telling you this stuff is frivolous or selfish. The little voice might be surprised to discover that happiness is linked to a bunch of benefits for you and for your family, workmates, employers, friends and community.

Remember – you only need 30 minutes for the basic mission. Extended Options are below.

Get Organized Mission #7: Be Happy!

Step 1:

List 10 Things That Make You Happy (15 minutes)

First, download the Happiness Strategy: Pleasure List.

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(This list is from our Ultimate To-Do List Pack | Personal Edition.)

The list is interactive, so you can type into the fields and save the filled list on your computer. Or print and write if you’d rather.

Now, fill in the list – which means coming up with at least 10 things you like to do.

Here are some ideas to get you going:

  • Take a bubble bath
  • Daggy dance to 80s tunes
  • Read a detective novel
  • Watch a fave TV show on DVD
  • Go for a walk somewhere pretty
  • Listen to your iPod in the garden
  • People-watch in a cafe
  • See an action film
  • Play a computer game
  • Do a jigsaw puzzle

Next, come up with at least one way you can do each item more often.

Keep your list somewhere handy – it’ll be a good resource next time you want a mood booster.

Step 2:

Pick One Thing From The List – And Do It! (15 minutes)

That’s right – you are required by the terms of 52 Organizing Missions to finish your 30 minutes doing something that makes you happy. Deal with it.

Dos & Don’ts

Extended Organizing Mission Options

Want to go beyond this 30-minute organizing mission?

  • Download extra copies and come up with 20, 30 or 50 things you enjoy, and ways to do them more often.
  • Download extra copies for the whole family. Brainstorm together, suggesting ideas for each other. Teaching your kids to know what make them happy and to rely more on themselves for happiness, and less on external highs, can be a precious life skill.
  • Keep your lists on hand for regular self-therapy. If you feel a little down or need a mood boost, you’ll know where to look.

Ready, Set, Go!

Remember – move quickly, act fast, don’t overthink.

Before You Go – Please Check In

You’re now accountable to your organizing mission-mates! Once you’ve completed this week’s Get Organized Mission please add a comment to let us know you’ve done your assignment and you’re keeping your commitment.

And see you back here next week!


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Image by {dpade1337}

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50 thoughts on “Get Organized Mission #7: Be Happy!

  1. Julia O'Connor says:

    This is different, to really set aside time for “me” is very relaxing and no guilt feelings about it.

  2. Jenni says:

    I made my list and chose to read my current novel for 15 minutes. It made me very happy! I’ll try to incorporate the things that make me happy into my life more often. Thanks!

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