Get Organized Mission #2: Detox Your Briefcase/Tote/Bag

Get Organized Mission #2: Detox Your Briefcase/Tote/BagWelcome to Mission #2 of our 52 Organizing Missions.

If you completed last week’s Get Organized Mission Fill a-Hu-u-uge-Trash-Bag you’re probably feeling pretty fabulous right now.

If not – what are you waiting for!

This week we’re getting organized on a smaller scale.

We’re about to streamline the receptacle you take with you into the world each day – purse, tote, handbag, wallet, briefcase, capacious carpetbag, whatever.

Remember – you only have to spend 30 minutes to complete the basic mission. If you want to go further check out the Extended Organizing Mission Options below.


Get Organized Mission #2: Detox Your Briefcase/Tote/Bag

Step 1: Empty

Empty everything out of your bag (I’ll use this generic term for simplicity). Dust out any lingering detritus over a sink so your bag is lovely and clean.

Step 2: Wallet

If you have a separate pocketbook/wallet, start there.

  • Remove old business cards, receipts, paper scraps, tissues, post-its, random hairclips, etc.
  • Remove other items that don’t deserve the real estate – eg loyalty cards for stores you rarely visit, coffee cards you never remember to use, etc.
  • Place the regularly used credit cards, store cards and ID in convenient locations in your wallet.
  • Check any photos of loved ones are current and in good condition.

Step 3: Keys

Next, streamline your keys.

  • Use a neat, functional keyring or case.
  • Remove any keys you don’t need. If you don’t remember what they’re for, put them on a separate ‘Mystery’ keyring for later investigation.
  • If you’re always fumbling with keys, consider putting them on the ring in the order you use them – eg, car, garage, mailbox, top lock, bottom lock.

Step 4: Make-Up Purse

Next, let’s tackle your make-up purse, make-up compartment in your bag, or for guys, any toiletries you carry with you.

  • Remove items you don’t use regularly enough to justify their real estate.
  • Discard anything old, in poor condition or funky smelling.
  • Consider streamlining your daily essentials. Could you limit yourself to, say, a neutral lipstick or lipgloss, small tube of SPF hand cream, small blush with built-in mirror and brush, small mascara and small fragrance bottle?
  • If you streamline the contents, consider downsizing your make-up purse too.

Step 5: Organize

Finally, return the streamlined items to your bag. Make use of compartments to help keep the contents organized.

Dos & Don’ts

  • Don’t keep floating tissues, unneeded receipts, ancient mints and gum, loose coins, random pens, paper scraps, indecipherable notes.
  • Do keep your streamlined wallet, keys and make-up purse, cell phone, iPod, attractive notebook, nice-to-use pen, small tissue pack or handkerchief, and diary/PDA (the target of a future organizing mission).

Extended Organizing Mission Options

Want to go beyond this 30-minute organizing mission?

  • If your bag or briefcase lacks compartments, is in poor condition or out-of-touch with your current likes and lifestyle, take yourself shopping and invest in a better performer.
  • If other household members want to participate let them get their backpack/briefcase/tote and join you.
  • If you have other bags and briefcases you don’t love, take this opportunity to discard them. If they’re lovely, donate; if not, ditch.

Ready, Set, Go!

Remember – move quickly, act fast, don’t overthink.

Before You Go – Please Check In

You’re now accountable to your organizing mission-mates! Once you’ve completed this week’s Get Organized Mission please add a comment to let us know you’ve done your assignment and you’re keeping your commitment.
(Click ‘Comment’ at the very top of this post or scroll down to the bottom. Depending on how you’re viewing this post, one of those options will be available for you.)

And see you back here next week!


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Image by ume-y

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236 thoughts on “Get Organized Mission #2: Detox Your Briefcase/Tote/Bag

  1. Alyson says:

    handbag, keys and purse organised! wasn’t much to be cleaned out, but did evict some store cards which never get used. also after reading someone elses post here, went over my purse with an antibacterial wipe.

  2. Lydia says:

    Done. I managed to find a smaller bag that can easily be slipped in and out of my purse. This bag is used to hold all of the things that have a tendency to float around in my bag. I am all about containment.

    Also, after much deliberation, I let go of my makeup purse. I realized that I never reapply any makeup. I am pretty good until closing time. I felt an attachment to that makeup purse. Most of it, I never use. It’s at home now where it should be.


  3. Sarah says:

    Done – 1st one – with the rubbish bags I loved and filled 5 in the 30 mins! Handbag now pristine and weighing lots less. 🙂

  4. Cindy says:

    I finished #1 last week and treated myself to a new purse, only to get #2 today…how timely, I’m already done!

  5. heather says:

    This one I didn’t do. The only reason being, I changed purses 2 weeks ago. The one I had was too big and collected too much stuff. So, I switched to a smaller one and just carry what I need. And I got rid of 10 extra purses this summer in a yard sale.

  6. Flora says:

    Mission accomplished – including all purses, make up bags and my car – since my vehicle is an extension of my purse! And done in half an hour! I love the goal – and the time limit. Makes me work super fast! Thanks for the goals, the time frame, and the incentive in reporting back.

  7. cheryl says:

    This 30 min is the best idea anyone has ever had. I LOVE IT!!!!!! It is making me do things that I have put off and I am only on my second mission.
    I actually am looking forward to the next one and I am going back to each one (only 2 ) and redoing some things and thinking about other things to get rid of. I too like Lauren never really thought about the make-up bag. Used to be a popular thing in high school years ago. Whats old is new again. Again thanks for this boost.

  8. Lauren says:

    Done! At least my primary bag. It never occurred to me to have a makeup bag before! But I think it’ll be a big help in eliminating the floating lipsticks I always have. I think I’ll go through some other bags this weekend.

  9. Sarah says:

    Ahhh. Such a relief. And since my purse and all of the organization pieces inside of it are black, I should be able to tell how clean the purse is by how much white and colour I see.

  10. St27 says:

    Ok Iam done with this one…..:) What is next ??? Iam trying to get my sister on this also….Iam so happy Iam doing this.

  11. Silvia says:

    Done! Not difficult because I usually use a bag organizer. So I did the extended option and I have discarded 15 bags!!!

  12. Michele Connolly says:

    Calling all Mission-Mates with a gorgeously detoxed purse or briefcase:

    If you’d like to send me a pic, I’ll put it in the upcoming ★52 Missions Hall Of Fame Gallery★.

    Please send:
    — An ‘After’ photo
    — A ‘Before’ photo if you have one
    — Your name as you’d like it shown
    — Your blog or website URL if you’d like a link attached to your name.

    Please send the above to:

    M 🙂

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