NOW AVAILABLE: 52 Organizing Missions.
I’ve invited readers to let public commitment help them get motivated and make progress on their organizing tasks.
In short, here’s what I’ve suggested…
52 Mini Organizing Missions
What I’ll do:
- Each week I’ll give you a mini organizing mission via the Get Organized Blog (right here!).
- It will only take about 30 minutes (that’s 30 minutes a week) to complete the basic mission.
There’ll sometimes be a larger option if you want to go further. - The missions will include decluttering, personal organization, goal-setting and personal development tasks across a range of home, work and life areas.
- The tasks will be broad enough for you to make them personally applicable, or I’ll give you a range of options – so you won’t be asked to do something irrelevant to you.
What I’d like you to do:
- Register your commitment to completing the missions with a comment on this Get Organized – Get Accountable! Post.
- Each week, check in on that week’s Assigned Mission post.
- Um – complete the mission!
- Enter a comment – eg DONE – on that week’s Assigned Mission post. I’d love you to share your experience too, if you like.
Just imagine how much organizing and decluttering you’ll have achieved by the end of your 52 organizing missions!
The following organizing missions are now available…
- Get Organized Mission #1: Fill a Hu-u-uge Trash Bag
- Get Organized Mission #2: Detox Your Briefcase/Tote/Bag
- Get Organized Mission #3: Organize Your Bill Payment
- Get Organized Mission #4: Forgo the Freebies
- Get Organized Mission #5: Be a Smart Verbal Communicator
- Get Organized Mission #6: Detox Your Car
- Get Organized Mission #7: Be Happy!
- Get Organized Mission #8: Declutter 50 Items
- Get Organized Mission #9: Filing System Nirvana
- Get Organized Mission #10: Clear Out Your Closet
- Get Organized Mission #11: Create Your Wardrobe Wishlist
- Get Organized Mission #12: Organize Your Accounts & Credit Cards
- Get Organized Mission #13: Organize Your Emergency Contacts [With Emergency List]
- Get Organized Mission #14: Organize Your Household Notebook
- Get Organized Mission #15: Organize Your Kitchen
- Get Organized Mission #16: Streamline Your Books, CDs, & DVDs
- Get Organized Mission #17: Create Your Bedroom Sanctuary
- Get Organized Mission #18: Organize Your Computer in 7 Simple Steps
- Get Organized Mission #19: Organize Your Office
- Get Organized Mission #20: Create Your ‘Organized Life Bedtime Routine’
- Get Organized Mission #21: Create Your ‘Organized Life Morning Routine’
- Get Organized Mission #22: Organize Your Bathroom
- Get Organized Mission #23: Enjoy Good Relationships
- Get Organized Mission #24: Create a Chore Chart
- Get Organized Mission #25: Bust Your Procrastination Demons
- Get Organized Mission #26: Reflect On Your Success – And Reward Yourself!
- Get Organized Mission #27: How To Boost Productivity at Work [Time Management]
- Get Organized Mission #28: How To Simplify Your Home Organization Tasks
- Get Organized Mission #29: How To Make the Most Of Your Personal Time
- Get Organized Mission #30: Organize Your Personal Stress Management Plan
- Get Organized Mission #31: Organize Your Living Area
- Get Organized Mission #32: Organize Your Laundry
- Get Organized Mission #33: Organize Your Email Management
- Get Organized Mission #34: Donate 50 Things
- Get Organized Mission #35: Set ‘Yes’ Priorities – And Know When To Say No
- Get Organized Mission #36: Organize Your Paperwork
- Get Organized Mission #37: Organize Your Diet
- Get Organized Mission #38: Organize Your Fitness
- Get Organized Mission #39: Declutter Your Surfaces
- Get Organized Mission #40: Conquer Your Storage Space Demons
- Get Organized Mission #41: Simplify Your Life – Possessions
- Get Organized Mission #42: Simplify Your Life – Time
- Get Organized Mission #43: How To Declutter Your To-Do List
- Get Organized Mission #44: Live Within Your Home’s Boundaries
- Get Organized Mission #45: Organize Your Garden
- Get Organized Mission #46: Give Yourself A MakeOver
- Get Organized Mission #47: Declutter Your Thinking Habits
- Get Organized Mission #48: Organize Your Kids & Their Bedrooms
- Get Organized Mission #49: How To Find Your Passion
- Get Organized Mission #50: Get Rid Of Debt
- Get Organized Mission #51: Weekly Schedule Template
- Get Organized Mission #52: Live a Simpler Life
Commit Now!
Come on – if you want to cross the motivation bridge you have to pay the commitment toll. 😛
To register your commitment leave a comment to say you’re taking part.
Alright! Let’s go!
I’m committed and the hubby is actually ready to join too!! (shocker but in a very pleasant way =)
Sarah and Dave Grup
I think the ‘Being Accountable’ thing is just what the doctor ordered!!!
I’m ready to start.
I’m in!
I am ready to make this change in my life. Let’s go!!!
Super excited to get organized again!
let’s get this started!
seriously am a lists person but have neglected everything as of late, need some sort of kick up the pants, glad i found this site. looking forward to starting
I’m late in the game, but I am ready to go!
I’m ready and committed! 52 missions to go 😉
Let’s get started!
I’m commited!
Let’s do it!
I’m in!
Mission#1 – Done! 🙂
i am ready for change.
Looking forward to decluttering my life….starting with the house. Thanks for the motivation. Lets get started.
Hope this works…been trying for a long time.
Mission 1 completed last week. Now onward to mission 2, which I pretty much do weekly anyway. So I have time to extend the exercise to my semi-packed suitcase for quick get-away trips.