Still on the subject of goals, SparkPeople has put together a helpful set of dos and don’ts for setting health and fitness goals.
But they don’t only apply to diet and exercise. Consider these nifty reminders when you’re thinking about any objectives you want to set for yourself:
Dos & Don’ts for Goal Setting 
- DO create a plan. DON’T wait for “someday” to roll around.
- DO start small. DON’T focus on too many things at once.
- DO write it down. DON’T forget to give yourself a deadline.
- DO be specific. DON’T deal in absolutes.
- DO leave room for failure. DON’T expect perfection.
- DO track your progress. DON’T fool yourself into failure.
- DO reward your success. DON’T beat yourself up over failure.
- DO find a support system. DON’T try to do it alone.
- DO make a commitment. DON’T ever forget that you can do it.
Check out the post for more detail on each do/don’t.
Over to you
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See also: Setting Goals, Achieving Goals – Tools for Success
Image by Wade Rockett
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