How to be Organized in 2009: Day 7 – Personal Presentation

NYR Day 7

The 12 Days of New Year’s Resolutions

This is Day 7 of The 12 Days of New Year’s Resolutions for Better Personal Organization

I’m spending 12 days posting ideas for new year’s resolutions you might like to choose for yourself. Each day focuses on a different life area.

Remember: go for progress, not perfection.

Following is an edited extract from the introduction to Module 7: Personal Presentation in Get Organized Wizard for Smart Women. 

Day 7: Organize your Personal Presentation

We’ve all seen those make-over shows where Ms Frumpy gets a new haircut and wardrobe and – hey presto! Her whole life is transformed!

Those shows might be a tad extreme but let’s face it: the way we present ourselves to the world affects how we feel about ourselves, how people respond to us, and how we internalize the way they treat us. It can be a vicious or a virtuous circle, depending on what we see in the mirror.

So it makes sense to get organized and give ourselves the best starting point from which to face the world.

Let’s get our boots on!

Expressing your best self

Looking good:

You’ll be amazed how good you feel without clothes that are out of style, ill-fitting, don’t suit or look less than your best. Get rid of them!

Feeling good:

Same goes for clothes with bad associations, that need constant adjusting, don’t suit your lifestyle or just don’t feel nice on you.

Garment care:

Get clothes, shoes and boots dry-cleaned, mended, laundered or altered. Shape ‘em up or ship ‘em out!

Missing pieces:

After a wardrobe cleanse you’ll see what you need. Fun tops, fitted shapes, basics, neutrals, bold or bright – take inventory.

Outfits for your lifestyle:

You wear so many hats – be sure you have the outfits to match! Organize business, weekend, special occasion & whatever else your life demands.

Knowing what suits you:

Get organized to learn what suits you – colors, shapes, styles, lengths, necklines, accessories. Plus what to avoid. Take a critical look in the mirror, or ask a friend.

Coats, bags & accessories:

Do your shoes, coats, bags and accessories reflect your style? Check these items for condition, lifestyle & look.

Organizing your closet

Upgrade your hangers. Hang your clothes by look, type and color. Group tees and jumpers by warmth and color, and store them so they’re visible.

Grooming, poise & confidence

Skincare & make-up:

Organize your routine, streamline skincare and make-up products, attend to sun protection and have a look that suits.


Organize hair style, cut and color, brows, teeth and oral hygiene, fingernail care and polish, and toenail care.

Poise & confidence:

Organize yourself to address areas like posture, speaking up, speaking clearly, public speaking/presenting, dealing with nervous mannerisms and getting constructive feedback from people you trust.


Wallet & keys:

Is your cluttered life reflected in a purse bulging with ancient receipts and a set of keys better suited to a prison guard? Then change all that – you’ll smile every time you use either one.

Diary/PDA, phone & iPod:

Ditch random paper scraps, keep all appointments in one place, update your contacts and organize your iPod playlists.


While a messy purse turns every attempt to find keys, money or a tissue into an ordeal, a well-organized handbag creates a lovely sense of order. Spring-clean your bag and you’ll calm your life.

Make-up purse:

Streamline the contents of your on-the-go cosmetics purse. Find small sizes of essential items and feel lighter straight away.


Question: What area of your Personal Presentation will you work on in 2009?

Note for users of Personal Presentation Wizard and Get Organized Wizard for Smart Women

Your Wizard contains guided worksheets for each one of these items, plus others, as well as additional prompts, ideas and suggestions to help you organize each one.

MondayDay 8: Strategies for Happiness

Picture adapted from image by Aldon.

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