Your Child’s School Progress: How to Stop Worrying and Start Organizing

Family Life: Get Organized to Help Your Child at School Do you ruminate about your child’s school challenges?

Get that worry out of your head – where it hurts you and helps no-one – and do something useful with it. By thinking constructively about things you can do and making a plan for actions you can take, you save yourself stress and improve your ability to help your child.

A big worry can be eased with a little organization.

Get Organized to Help Your Child at School

How can you help your child with school progress?

You might consider these ideas (and add your own)

  • Get a tutor
  • Look for online resources and tools (great if your child likes computers but not books)
  • Look for a computer game or program in the target area (ditto)
  • Come up with a reward system (eg a certain grade earns a certain desired reward)
  • Chat to the teacher for guidance
  • Ask your child what they would find helpful
  • Suggest a study session get-together with friends, where they help each other
  • Offer to coach your child yourself (depends on your skill level)
  • [add your own]

Here are some other areas where you can plan ideas for helping or coaching your child:

  • How can you help your child with teacher relationships?
  • How can you help your child with peer relationships?
  • How can you help your child with sports activities?
  • How can you help your child with extra-curricular activities?

Get into the habit of turning rumination into organization, you’ll have less worry and more resources for helping your child.

Image by Brian “DoctaBu” Moore