Home Organizing: Start with your Home Values

Home Organizing: Start with your Home Values Got a hankering to re-organize or de-clutter your home?

Before you get started, think about your values for the home you want to create…

For instance, which of the following values do you want your home to evoke:



Home values

  • Comfort?
  • Beauty?
  • Warmth?
  • Order?
  • Family?
  • Minimalism?
  • Retreat or sanctuary?
  • Harmony?
  • Simplicity?
  • Visual clarity?
  • Aesthetic appeal?
  • Love?

By clarifying the tone you want for your home, you’ll have a guiding vision to simplify organizing decisions and streamline de-clutter choices. It will help you decide what to throw out, what to keep, how to arrange things, which colors to work with, and whether some fresh additions are needed.

And the end result will feel more like ‘home’. Your home.

Image by jimmyroq

4 thoughts on “Home Organizing: Start with your Home Values

  1. TSS says:

    This is a great way to start the organizing process in any home. Without knowing the values you want to convey, then choosing the right shelving will be difficult. There are many types of shelves available that will all send a different message. Choose wisely!

  2. TSS says:

    This is a great way to start the organizing process in any home. Without knowing the values you want to convey, then choosing the right shelving will be difficult. There are many types of shelves available that will all send a different message. Choose wisely!

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