An Organized Handbag: The Ultimate Symbol of a Smart Woman

An Organized Handbag: The Ultimate Symbol of a Smart Woman

No matter how fabulous your outfit, a haphazard handbag will undermine your personal presentation.

Not only is an overfilled, misshapen bag a fashion faux pas, it also a time-waster when you scuba dive in search of lipgloss, an embarrassment when you can’t find a tissue, and an opportunity-killer when you ferret fruitlessly for a business card.

So how do you achieve handbag nirvana?

First, the bag itself should be practical, with enough size and compartments to suit your lifestyle. I personally fear those tiny-mouthed bags whose zip bites my hand every time I try to venture in. Ouch!

Second, it should be attractive and in good condition. A tatty, well-organized bag still looks tatty.

Next, it needs to be streamlined, containing only those items you need. This calls for discipline! Your items might include:

  • Wallet
  • Keys
  • Attractive, nice-to-use pen
  • Attractive, nice-to-use notebook
  • Diary/PDA
  • Cell phone
  • iPod
  • Small make-up purse (with mini sizes of essentials like lipgloss, mascara, a mirror, hand cream)
  • Small tissue pack or handkerchief

Last, you need to regularly clean out the detritus that accumulates in every handbag, such as:

  • Old tissues
  • Old receipts
  • Loose coins
  • Random pens
  • Ancient mints and gum
  • Indecipherable notes and scraps of paper

By following these simple steps, you’ll be in handbag heaven.

There are plenty of tips, checklists and worksheets for organizing your Personal Presentation in Life & Goal Organizer.

Image by bbaunach

2 thoughts on “An Organized Handbag: The Ultimate Symbol of a Smart Woman

  1. Justine says:

    Hay,I love the green hand bag,must add that to my christmas list :-),oh yeah the hints are good too,pleased to know my bag is almost organised,just a few pesky notes floating around.

  2. Justine says:

    Hay,I love the green hand bag,must add that to my christmas list :-),oh yeah the hints are good too,pleased to know my bag is almost organised,just a few pesky notes floating around.

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