This is a guest post from Hayden Beck at Flowall. A place for everything and everything in its place. Does this apply to your garage? For a majority of households, the garage is a cluttered storage space where homeowners can no longer even park their car. With these 5 simple tips, you can better […]
Author Archives: Kylie Browne
Summer is the perfect time for you to organize your home. But organizing your home doesn’t have to be time consuming. Through small actions you can eventually save time and money. 1. Focus On One Room At A Time When you’re organizing your home, don’t try to do it all at once; you’re just going […]
Everyone has some degree of clutter in their lives, but when clutter becomes unwieldy, it can actually start taking a toll on both your physical and mental health. Decluttering isn’t just a way to take control of your physical space; it’s also a way to achieve happiness. Here are a few reasons why decluttering your […]
Anxiety can make it difficult to do just about everything in day-to-day life, and organization is a major part of this. Organization is difficult for most people, but when you add anxiety, it can seem downright insurmountable. If you’ve found yourself unsure of where to get started, follow these tips. 7 Roadblocks To Getting Organized […]
The first few days of summer vacation are usually pure bliss – the kids just want to sleep in, enjoy some carefree days and detox from the busy school year. After a few days, though, everyone gets bored – or the house begins to resemble a war zone, complete with pint-sized combatants. You can make […]
When the fur starts flying your house can become a disaster area in a hurry. Your pets can contribute to the mess in several ways; shed hair can cling to any and every available surface, while dander can even reduce your indoor air quality. In addition to the hair and dander, messy paws can wreak […]
If the concept of time management is alien to you, then we have a quick checklist to help you find your way. Time Management Checklist (For Beginners) Follow these steps for one week and you’ll notice the change in your time management skills and a load off your mind. 1. Take Some Time Out Find a space […]
Technology allows us to be more productive and better organized than ever before. An excellent way to jumpstart your organizational and productivity skills is to download the right apps. Here are some of the most popular Android and iPhone apps available today. Organization Apps Evernote (iOS | Android) Evernote is a clear winner when it comes […]
Everything good in life starts with a plan. But how do you manage your plans? Most people today use their phones or computers to plan out their day digitally – but there are still some die-hard paper planners out there too. Figuring out whether a digital planner or a paper planner works best for you is […]
Procrastination. We all do it — and we all hate it. What’s worse is that often we can’t even control it. We know we’re procrastinating, but we just can’t get up and do anything. If you want to stop procrastinating, it’s going to take some work. You’re going to have to change the way that you think; you’re […]
Why is the laundry not folded? Why are the breakfast dishes still in the sink at dinner time? Why are all of the jars open? Living with a messy partner can be one of the most frustrating things about your spouse. Sometimes it can seem like you just can’t get through to them. But messy and clean “odd […]
People work at home in rising numbers. More than four out of 10 American workers do so regularly, according to the New York Times. Working from home can have many advantages, but sometimes space is not one of them! Do you work from home in a tiny office space? We know an organized work space […]
There’s hardly anything as distracting as a messy, cluttered office. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to know where to get started. Not only does your office space need to be efficiently managed, but it also has to be inspiring and motivating – and that’s a lot of work. Use our simple checklist to get the […]
Do you need some motivation to help you get things done today? Work through those feelings of overwhelm with these quick tips. Quick Tips To Overcome The Feeling Of Overwhelm 1. Determine Tasks vs Projects Tasks are small and doable things. Projects are big tasks that require planning and time management. Equate each thing you need to do […]
There is always some dread in returning to work after a holiday. It’s challenging and most of the time, it affects productivity. Yes, we’ve all been there and procrastination at this time can be a really strong enemy! The procrastination you feel builds up and your stress levels rise. Especially if you’re still thinking of […]
March was a great month for organization tips. Here’s a collection of articles from our fellow organizing friends. Who else finds peace and inspiration from scrolling through organizing websites? To help you stay more organized, we’ve rounded up recent helpful blog posts from our favorite sites. Here’s the latest go-to for tackling all of your organizing dilemmas. This month […]
Happiness is said to be elusive. Us humans often try to equate happiness with reaching goals. Are we looking in the right place for happiness? Are we our own worst enemy when it comes to trying to achieve happiness? You can be truly happy without the external motivations – by changing your perceptions. Things Happy People Do Differently Taking […]
This is a guest post from Tiffany Franklin from Safestore – the UK’s No.1 choice for self storage. Safestore the things you love. The morning routine is a daunting prospect if you’re not an early bird and it can take one small delay – such as ice on your windscreen or a missing shoe – to […]
How do you spend your time before going to bed? Do you: lock up the house and check all doors & windows? check your phone for last minute emails or Facebook posts? turn the TV on to catch the late news? drink a coffee? play a game on your phone? Whether you realize it or […]
I’m standing in a closet-full of clothes but I have nothing to wear! Is this is a constant dilemma for you? Did you know that trimming down your wardrobe could be the quickest solution to having an organized closet? Truly, the fewer clothes you own, the happier you will be. Don’t believe me? Keep reading! The Benefits Of […]