Author Archives: Chloe (Get Organized Gal)

New Year A Fresh New Start

New Year – A Fresh New Start!

The beginning of a new year offers a great opportunity to try new things and change for the better. Perhaps you’d like to become more organized, improve your health or have a beneficial impact on the world. This advice can help you make the most of these positive intentions.

Start setting your personal goals for a happier life

Start Setting Personal Goals for a Happier Life this New Year

As the new year approaches, it’s a great time to think about setting positive personal goals. These tips can help you choose and achieve your intentions.

Dividing up the chores

Dividing Household Chores In The Family

Whenever your day ends, you might find yourself reflecting on the stresses of daily life. Stress from work and at home can affect a person’s well being and the family as a whole. Even washing the dishes can start an argument or some misunderstanding between spouses and their kids if stress is a factor. Arguments […]