Should I Sell It, Donate It Or Throw It Away?
One of my mottoes is: Have what you love; use what you have. Anything that doesn’t serve you, doesn’t earn a place in your life.
But an obstacle to decluttering that many people face is deciding what to do with the stuff they get rid of.
Unfortunately, this dilemma can be so confusing that some people get completely immobilized – they end up unable to part with their stuff because they can’t decide where it should go.
Don’t let confusion stop you from releasing unloved, unused things from your home and your life. Instead, use this guide.
1. When To Sell
If it’s worth good money, you should sell it, right? Well, not necessarily.
When you’re decluttering, only allocate something to the ‘Sell’ pile if:
1. It’s worth more than it would cost to organize the sale (list online, hold a garage sale, etc), and
2. You can be bothered to do the work to organize the sale.
The second point is crucial – if you know you’re unlikely to ever get around to doing what’s needed to sell your items, then save yourself time and guilt and don’t tell yourself you’ll sell.
If you’re looking for ways to make cash then that’s a different matter. But if your top priority is to declutter your home and your life, then don’t create unnecessary hurdles. Skip the ‘Sell’ pile.
2. When To Donate
You should donate everything you can, shouldn’t you? Again, not so simple.
Everyone has their own sense of what’s donate-able. I have a pretty high threshold for donation and will only give stuff to charity that:
- Looks appealing – nothing tatty, rusty, etc
- Is in working condition – nothing in need of repair
- Is decent quality – nothing that’s basically junk.
I figure that donating questionable stuff only makes more work for the charity, so I toss anything that doesn’t meet these criteria.
You may be more or less strict with your standards. But if in doubt, throw it out!
Only allocate something to the ‘Donate’ pile if:
- It’s in good condition and/or
- It’s sell-worthy, but you can’t be bothered to sell it.
3. When To Throw Away
If you’re a seasoned declutterer, then by all means sell or donate your heart out. And if it doesn’t meet selling or donating standards, then toss it.
But what if you simply can’t decide?
If you’re fighting years of hoarding, or deep-seated procrastination, or a profound sense of overwhelm, then don’t let indecision about what to sell or donate stop you from clearing the clutter.
Instead, simply put everything into a bag and let it go. Yes you’re wasting it, but having it in your home when you don’t love or use it is wasting it too, and it’s also costing you stress and clutter and quite possibly happiness.
Now let me be clear: I’m not suggesting you throw stuff away out of laziness or disregard for landfills, or cluelessness about poverty. If you can navigate these issues then I think you should.
But if you’re in such a state that you need to start somewhere very simple (and many people are; we all get overwhelmed sometimes), then I think it’s okay to start where you are and do what you can.
Once you begin the decluttering habit, you’ll gain confidence and can donate many future bags to worthy causes. But until you make a start, your stuff isn’t doing anyone any good.
To sum up:
Sell it if:
- It’s worth more than the cost of selling and
- You’re motivated enough to organize the sale.
Donate it if:
- It’s in good condition and
- The question of donating versing tossing won’t immobilize you.
For everything else, throw it away!
And enjoy the time, space and mental clarity you’ll gain.
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So true! My littlest child is approaching age 5, and just recently did I let go of a full SUV-load of baby and toddler clothes and gear — the “good stuff” from the better retail stores that I’d tried to sell on Craigslist but never got “enough” for. It was so freeing to let my pregnant friends go through and choose what they wanted, and let the rest go to my Mothers of Multiples group. All that stuff, suddenly out of my house and garage. Freeing!
I hear you! My son is 8 years old and this past summer when Bastrop, Texas was ravaged with fires I donated all of his clothes, toys, bedding – I had kept everything! EVERYTHING from when he was born!. It is the first time I donated anything of his in his whole 8 years of life! It was freeing but I did cry like a baby when I dropped off the donation.
oh today I had a mental uncluttering by getting a couple of friends to help themselves to all the scrap metal in my yard, yay. goodbye to a couple of fridges with leaky seals, a dryer that needed a belt, fencing, a half drum, posts, etc. A big trailor filled up.
I can see the sunshine now the trees can be cut back a lot more and the garden looks so big and clean. Wont take too much work to get it ready for summer. I feel so good… and my trash has become someone elses treasure.
Great stuff… reposting this on Letting Go of Clutter. Finding Peace. xx.
My goal is to go through EVERYTHING before Thanksgiving. I have a 2-car garage FILLED with stuff I’ve had forever. I looked around out there yesterday and estimated that I only really want about 10% of what’s there. I pick things up now, and I think, “Will any of my kids want this when I’m no longer here?” Even the ‘good stuff’ is overwhelming me, because there is SO MUCH of it! The more stuff I take away, the more peaceful I feel. I’m not giving up this time until I’m finished.
Melissa Bush – I thought you were sleeping.
No, but I should be!
Good luck with that! Love you
Good luck with that! Love you
Good luck momma!! When in doubt about keeping something just ask yourself “what would Matthew do?”
Any chance I can buy lunch today and we can work on some more verbage for inflatables please!!??